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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bow Ties are Cool

Dear Blog,

You can't deny that bow ties are cool. Well, they are now. Once the Doctor started wearing one, my opinion has changed. Well, I didn't have much of an opinion beforehand, but now I do. So yes, Dr. Cofer, new President of Missouri State University, you have earned cool points thanks to the Eleventh Doctor.

Aside from a renewed Doctor Who focus thanks to both Charlie McDonnell's latest video/song (don't watch if you haven't seen the final episode of Season 5; unless you don't care about spoilers, then go ahead) and being in Springfield and having a chance to give a Doctor Who related gift to Bethany, not much to report. I'm here in my Woods room, ready for the RA training that starts tomorrow. My room is about 80% ready. Less than 48 hours in a place and I've managed to make it my own through my inability to be properly organized. Well, I have a few things scattered around, but that will soon be cleaned up. Tons of space to store my random stuff.

If I get approval from Victoria, I want to take a couple of days to act like both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. Catchphrases, speak patterns, bow tie, fez, glasses, the works. It would be so much fun, although it'd confuse my residents. I'd have to plan accordingly.

I need to make decorations. I'm behind and we haven't even started. A talent, to be sure. If only I could harness my poor planning and reverse it's polarity, thereby creating a talent not bound to procrastination, but bound to preemptive measures in all walks of my life (see? easy to be the Doctor).

As I sit at my desk here in my AC comfy room, I can see someone in front of Hutchens House, repainting the black chain barrier the surrounds the building's front lawn. Horribly hot day, little cover from the sun, and black paint. That seems like a boring and uncomfortable job. Yet he might get paid more than me when I work the front desk. Odd observation? Yes, but it makes me glad to have my job (I'm not saying I'm better than him, I just know I wouldn't want to do that).

I downloaded the new Taylor Swift single to my iPhone. Do I love it? Yes! Very good song that makes me feel like her next album will be fantastic. I can't wait!

I am now hungry, so I will seek out a snack and them continue to think about cleaning my room.

If a god could control people, would he?

Until next time!
-Daniel Golden

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