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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

30 Days, 30 Letters

Dear Blog,

Blog, I haven't written to you in a very, very long time. But hopefully, this new project, "30 Days, 30 Letters", will help me write more often. The basic premise is that I will write a letter each day for a month's time to various people. I started writing these letters a month ago, but could never finish the first letter. There were so many people to include, and I remembered more and more as I wrote. So, I plan to try and limit myself as best I can.

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Dear Best Friends,

Oh, the best friend question. "Daniel, who is your best friend?" That's a tricky question, Everyday Citizen. Most people grow up with someone as their best friend, being neighbors, classmates, family friends, etc. But being a military brat, I've moved around a bit. With each move, came new friends. And sometimes those friends moved away while I stayed put. So, in the end, I've had several people I consider best friends, no greater or lesser in standing than the others. Best friends of mine at different times in my life, at different locations. So I'll write a letter to everyone, if I can.

To you, Best Friends, I say thanks. I sound formal and a tad detached, but cut me a break, I'm writing to dozens of people at once.
Best Friends, know that I value you. You've been there, via IM, MySpace, Facebook, phone call, video chat, and in person. You've listened to me, guided me, helped me become who I am. Life without close friends is hardly interesting, and thanks to you, I've had an interesting life.
For some of you, we don't chat very often. Random messages online, the text or phone call. And others, it seems like I bother you everyday. If I could, I'd see all of you each day. Be it for video games, a hug, random movies and shows, or just talking. Life hasn't worked out like that, and I hope you're in my thoughts as often as you're in mine.
I'm here, in cyberspace, if you ever need anything.

Day 2 — Your Crush

I Googled quotes about crushes.
"Sometimes I wish I could scream at you, and show you just what it is that you do to me."

Day 3 — Your Parents

I wrote about my parents in my birthday blog. Here is that clip, with some edits and an addition.
Mom and Dad, you have spoiled me. But let me be quick to say that I'm not complaining. I've always had ample food, games, and random stuff I probably begged for and said "I'll love you forever if you get this [trivial item] right now!" TV, movies, and books were plentiful. You also gave me plenty of love and attention. Reading to me at night, making sure I had the tools I needed to learn, encouraging me to be myself and supporting me when I wanted to be an archeologist one year, then an aerospace engineer the next year. You provided a humorous environment to grow and thrive in, and a life full of travel and culture. You protected me from some of life's unsavory aspects, but granted me access to everything when I was ready. My values and morals, my attitude toward life, and my personality stem from you. I am my own person with my own ideas and opinions, but I follow your example more often than not. I can thank you everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be adequate enough for what they've done for me. Braces, good schools, my own computer, telescope, vehicle, game consoles, TVs, stereos, CDs galore, DVDs, phones, Beanie Babies, McDonald's toys, furniture, decorations, vacations and trips to fantastic locations, and so many other random stuff that I'm not aware of, forgotten, or simply too numerous to list without delaying the point. The thing I can do for you is to live my life. To go into the world and be myself. I'll stumble, fail, but I'll learn and continue to grow.
And grandchildren. I'm sure you eventually want some grandchildren, right?

Day 4 — Your Sibling

Dear Linda,
I have no idea if you read this blog, or are even aware of its existence, but that is beside the point. The point that I aim to make is that you are my sister, and you are awesome.
Yes, I've totally been an older sibling to you. Poked fun, bossed you around, gotten upset and started pointless arguments. But you have to admit, we've had far more good times than bad. TV shows we watched together, our crazy inside jokes, common interests and wonderful differences.
We're older now, and we both know you've got this vast potential ahead of you. You've got this intellect that I'm jealous of at times. And an artistic eye that still eludes me. You've got several successes to your name and you haven't even graduated yet. You've got a plan, a goal, a dream. You're set to go.
But with all this, be aware that I'm still older. It doesn't make me better, but it makes me a tad wiser. So please, listen to me when I try to give you advice (and the same goes for when mom and dad do the same). You know this to be true, but I don't think you actually believe it at times. Don't nod your head and say "I know, I know." That doesn't help you. Listen and try to learn.
It sounds like I'm lecturing, but when it comes to you, I only wish you'd listen at times. College is different. The academics are going to be more difficult, but that's only half of the experience. And I don't want you to fail at college when you could have simply listened to us when it comes to everything else.
Linda, you're an excellent sister. Lighten up a bit when the family pokes fun, listen when people try to help, and most of all, don't be different for the sake of being different; just be yourself.

Day 5 — Your Dreams

Dear Dreams,
You are varied. You are changing. You are a tad crazy at times.
Jedi Starship Captain is a wonderful thought, but it won't happen.
Dreams, you want me to strive toward a benevolent, altruistic, helpful career. What can I do? I want to help. I want to use my skill set toward the betterment of mankind.
How do I do that?
Stand up comedian? Is that an option?
Counselor? Is that too obvious?
Creative writing? Does it help people?
I need a bit more clarity. Dreams, can you show me a clearer path? My future isn't clouded by the dark side of the Force. Perhaps my path simply isn't illuminated by the light side yet.

Day 6 — A Stranger

Dear Stranger,
I don't know you. Your face isn't not familiar. You name is not known.
But did I make you smile? Did I light up your day? I laugh a lot, and laughter is a bit contagious, no? I like to have fun. I play with lightsabers and bolt out of elevators pretending to be a time traveler being chased by a Terminator.
I hope I made you happy with my antics. I hope I can get to know you, too. No need to remain strangers, eh?

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