Search (This Blog and Beyond)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dear Blog,

You'll be interested to know that my attempts at vlogging have been less than fruitful. I've tried, recorded plenty of time of myself talking, but I am not able to focus on the task of creating a single idea and running with it, from filming to editing.

Now that I think about it, I lack focus in most of everything that I do. I rarely clean my room without randomly doing other tasks. I even jet away from writing this entry to search for other items as they come to mind. I wish I could say that I have ADD, but alas, I'm sure I don't.

I tried writing, but I'm so distracted by my mind. "I need to clean my sick" to "retape my floor decorations" to "homework" to whatever else. My brain fires off so many different ideas and I can't seem to stick to one for too long. I recall previous thoughts and conversations at seemingly random points in my day and just go with it.

For instance, between this paragraph and the previous one, I've read another article talking about, Facebook chatted with a friend, washed my face, browsed the App Store on my iPhone, and checked a few things out on my laptop. I need to clean up my room and see about rearranging my furniture.

Blah. It's hard to concentrate (as of late, for sure). I'm not motivated to complete anything. It's even hard to just play video games. And the time steadily moves forward and no progress is made on any front. Or almost worse, a bit of progress is made of multiple fronts. I need to be researching images for my next floor theme (Pokemon?), reading Mark Twain and science fiction and fantasy stories, planning more jam sessions for Woods 5 (plus other RA stuffs), PSP, and other stuff. Heck, I'm losing focus on a blog all about me. What chance does anything else have?

I have the time, just not the drive. I blame the rainy weather today.

Until next time!
-Daniel Golden

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