I've been quite busy, as of late. I've got several things to do and a short amount of time to do them. And honestly, I'm not up to par on many of those things. I'm not meeting the standards I need to be at. I'm slowly falling. And I shouldn't be caught. If I am to fall, let me make a tremendous crash. Not for the attention, not for the infamy, but because it is just and fair. If I am to fail, let everyone know.
Today was not a fun day, Blog. Today began yesterday, and hasn't ended yet. Yes, I've slept. Yes, there have been high notes. But in the long run, today hasn't been kind.
Today was long, disappointing, and didn't offer much time for myself. Today was filled with things I wanted to avoid. Today was a day that I wanted to avoid people, but today gave me plenty of people to talk to, and people to talk hours with. Today barely allowed me time to think, but when I could, all I thought about was today. Today let me feel worthless, despite evidence to the contrary. Today taunted me, but I can't antagonize today. Today might not end for a while, and I don't know how to end today. Today reminded me of things I'd care to forget. Today isn't on purpose. Today is just a day. But all it takes is one bad day.
Until tomorrow,
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Picture is from "The Killing Joke."