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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vacation Truncation

Dear Blog,

I'd like to apologize to you. Evidently, you've been written by a moron for the past few days, if not longer. Not your fault, don't worry. It's me. And here's how I know: I can't remember when I work.

It happened first on Thursday. After writing it in my planner, I still failed to realize that I was on duty on Thursday. On duty and still had a desk shift to work. So 10-15 minutes before the shift, I called around, becoming the RA I've wanted to avoid. Finally finding someone, I was slightly relieved. In addition to the lapse in memory (just the first one, mind you), I was ill during the day, missed my classes, had a tornado situation, and cause for Officer Henning to follow Ashleigh and myself on rounds. 2am rounds and an 8:35am class.

Then I went home on Friday, thinking I had a nice Labor Day weekend in which I could relax. Wrong again, Daniel. I was called by the desk at 8:10am, since I was supposed to work 8am-4pm today. I showered, quickly packed everything, finished the laundry that I could, and got here by noon. Thankfully Nikki was able to work 8-12. But alas, upon returning, I was teased for a bit. Did I deserve it? Yeah. Did I make people smile and laugh? Yeah. Did I enjoy it? Not as much as I normally would. You know, like if I didn't feel like a horrible friend, horrible RA, or horrible boyfriend.

In other news, my room is slightly cleaner now. I have one miniature poster on my wall. One poster now, and the rest will soon be up. And maybe I will set up my TV, too. Maybe not. Depends on my mood when I get off work. And if I can think properly. I kind of just want to go to bed for the rest of the weekend.

But now, to cheer myself up, I will now order some shirts from ThinkGeek and possibly a sonic screwdriver. Maybe I'll read some magazines, browse game sites, or just stare out the windows.

I'll talk to myself. Why not? I'll ignore people if they make fun. I know I'm weird at times. I'll just think to myself "they're jealous that I can fit social norms when I must and disregard those same rules at will." How true is that? Probably not at all. But the truth hurts, no?

Until next time,
-Daniel Golden

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