I was productive today. B on my Spanish test and my PSY 315 test pushed back. I made signs for my bathroom, huge bulletin board-esque academic display (help from Victoria), butcher block publicity for Find Yourself! and Toy Story 3, and plenty of Find Yourself! flyers. My room has been cleaned up a bit and I'm ready for my PSY 441 test tomorrow. I still have a paper to write for ENG 315, but I have time after ENG 362 to accomplish that. I also spent time with Victoria and had lunch with her, talked to Sarah and Nikki, and spent plenty of time talking to Ashleigh while she was at the front desk. I learned about bedbugs at in-service, had a quick staff meeting while wearing tie-die shirts Nikki made, wore my Public Affairs Week shirt most of the day, and woke up on time thanks to quick thinking on my part.
Sad news is that my mom isn't feeling well at all. Something might be wrong with her colon, she said. So bad that she called Linda to leave school and drive her to the hospital. I hope nothing serious has occurred. Dad should be home tomorrow, so he'll be able to take care of her.
Having purchased Halo Reach yesterday, I have still yet to play it. I promised myself that if I obtained a satisfactory grade on my SPN 102 test, I could play it. And a B is perfect, but my time constraints have forced me to simply admire the case for now. Perhaps this weekend will yield some gaming time. I need to practice before challenging any residents to a battle of Halo skills.
Yesterday, I also bought the new Brandon Flowers CD for Victoria. She was, of course, ecstatic when I showed it to her, having gotten the deluxe edition. After handing it to her, I stayed with her and Sarah as they donated blood to the Community Blood Center of the Ozark. Victoria was quite brave as she was poked and she quickly filled up her blood pouch. Afterwards, Victoria, Sarah, another Kentwood desk worker, and myself ate dinner in the PSU. I had a very nice toasted turkey and swiss on ciabata sandwich. I hope to eat at Blimpie's in the near future and order that sandwich again. Sarah and Victoria went to an informational meeting for a service sorority afterwards and I went to a Phi Sigma Pi (PSP) rush event.
The PSP Fun Interview Night was interesting. Very loud, I strained my voice, but had a lot of fun. The questions were zany and unusual in some instances, and I learned a bit about myself, much about the organization, and plenty about the people there. And by people, I mainly mean girls. So many girls are part of this organization! I think I counted three guys aside from myself at this meeting. I was both in awe and terrified of the situation. Girls are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I've had these odds moods lately in which all girls are simply beyond my understanding and I become nervous and awkward. I read people well, so when all of a sudden I can't tell, even remotely, what's on a girl's mind, I revert back to awkward, geeky Daniel and avoid girls at all costs. Hopefully this phase will pass soon and I can enjoy the company of good people and future friends.
Well, I imagine now would be a good time to head to bed and hope for a passing grade on my PSY 441 test. If only I could learn Psychology like Neo learned kung-fu in The Matrix.
Until next time!
-Daniel golden
Bonus Picture!

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