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Monday, October 25, 2010


Dear Blog,

I learned in my RA class at the beginning of the year that one of the most common hindrances in a person's schedule is not procrastination, but over-planning. Being involved in so much stuff and trying to accommodate all needs. I laughed quietly to myself at thing, thinking of the fools who would do that.

Blog, I didn't know it then, but I laughed quietly to myself about myself.

I have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Story to write, books to read, RA tasks, homework, Phi Sigma Pi, and relationships (and personal ambitions, like TV shows, movies, video games, and recreational books).
But I love it all.

I love being an RA. I thought this was a nifty job for me. But now, I know it is a lifestyle. A glorious one at times, too. I love Woods House and I love the people I meet. It's stressful, I am underpaid, and sometimes my residents don't acknowledge my work, but in the end, totally worth it.

I love my classes. True, a couple are very tough and boring, but I love to learn. The random factoids and personal stories from teachers. The opportunity to ask nearly anything I want (and not be glared at by peers). I love how I retain the most interesting or complex of things. I am honored by this college experience.

I love Phi Sigma Pi. The people in this organization are fantastic. Very many girls, as I believe I've said before. Not a bad thing, to be sure, just odd at times. But still, I love this group of people. I wish I had listened to the invites given my Freshman year. I hope I can keep up the induction requirements and finally be a real member. (On a side note, my scholarship event for PSP was a big success; lots of fun and games and everyone was able to relax and laugh)

I love my relationships. My girlfriend is amazing. She's funny and sweet, and knows my body language. I will think to myself "I wish she'd..." and then she will. I don't know how she does it, but I love it. I try to do what I can for her. I offer advice when I can, I shut-up other times. I try to make life interesting for her. I don't know what the future holds (Brandon Flowers knocking at her door and whisking her away to the Kanto region?), but for the time being, I love what we have.

I love my friends. The support I get from them is fantastic (and the huge amount of birthday wishes to my Facebook wall made me feel awesome). I feel like I've pushed many of them to the wayside, though. I wish I hadn't. My life is very hectic, and it's hard for me to divert from my plans to visit people. If they come to me, fantastic! But traveling off campus to visit someone (heck, to other buildings) is hard to pull off. I like to stay on my floor to be there for my residents. If you feel like a neglected friend, visit me on the fifth floor of Woods. I may be busy when you visit, but a quick "Hey, how are you?" will brighten my day.

Blog, I am not perfect. I am not Superman. But I am Daniel, and Daniel (from what I hear) is a pretty awesome guy. I'll get through all my commitments, but it won't be easy. I just want you to know that you aren't forgotten, Blog. Simply one of the many things I wish I could maintain, but sadly, lack the time due to over-planning.

Until next time!
-Daniel Golden

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