I'm not very motivated to write an entry today, but I have definitely been slacking when it comes to blog posts. I will try to highlight some events in brief detail. My apologies if this isn't a comprehensive list of my most recent activities.
I am now an Initiate for Phi Sigma Pi and the Scholarship Chair for my class. Both are exciting steps into this new organization. The people there seem pretty awesome, and I imagine that I will have lots of fun while attending programs and interacting with all the members. Balancing this new addition to my life will be hard, but I think I will be able to work things out eventually.
32 Minutes was amazing! From my point of view, it was a huge success. I had a lot of fun and it looked awesome. Thomas and I were bouncers for the rave party. We were awesome bouncers, if I do say so myself. We danced to a few songs and interacted with all the people entering the party. We tried to entice passerbyers, and a few actually attended. I'm sure we entertained many of the party goers as well, with our bouncer dance moves and random "old guy" comments.
Thomas is a cool guy, too. We have a few things in common, like interests and similar senses of humor. I'm glad he and Nikki are dating. Best friend and new guy friend sounds like an ideal match to me. Makes communication a little easier, too.
Victoria and I had our six month anniversary on Tuesday. Since 32 Minutes was taking place, we didn't do much the day of. But the next day, I took her to Red Lobster. We dressed up and went together. She looked beautiful in her dress and I looked like House, M.D. in my getup. She has never been to a Red Lobster before, so she was excited. It was nice for us to eat some "real" food, too. We talked throughout the meal, and ultimately wound up going to Gamestop (both the one in the mall and the store across from Barnes & Noble) after the meal. She bought a game for her DS on the suggestion from her BFF Tom. We stopped by her room so she could get some comfortable clothes, then went to my room where she watched a couple of episodes of Doctor Who and I wrote my midterm. Cuddling commenced after I finished my paper and she finished Doctor Who. I will admit I was acting very, very silly. But it was just me and her, so I can be as zany as I can and she won't punch me for it.
Classes are going relatively well. I have yet to write my short stories for ENG 315. But I hope, when I use my dedicated time on Friday, I'll be able to compose a good story in a writing session. I have a developed character, but I don't feel like he would act interesting in any sort of story I place him in. I can make him go crazy or something (deviating from my standard stories that involve a huge dose of humor), but it doesn't seem like it'd be a fun story to write. I like to write fun things. Gruesome deaths, loss of relationships, general disarray and chaos aren't in my ballpark, but I'd like to test my writing ability and see if I can do that. The say humor is a hard form to master, especially in writing, but I've never had many troubles writing funny stories, so maybe it is the opposite for me. Psychology of Adolescence is interesting, and not very difficult. History and Systems of Psychology is interesting, and the exams are tough, but a good class, nonetheless. ENG 362 has tough material, but an intriguing professor. And SPN 102 is, well, Spanish. Poor test grades don't make me feel too bad. I'm simply going to focus a bit more in class and try some more worksheets.
The fifth floor has a great group of guys. Friendships have clearly formed, and the majority of the guys I talk to on a regular basis seem to be enjoying life here at MSU. When I see the more reclusive residents, they too seem to be having a good time. I simply wish a few of them would actually attend floor events. I hope the upcoming NERF Battle will convince a few of them to shut off those Xbox 360s and head outside.
Well, that's all I can think to write at the moment. Tomorrow (maybe even tonight), I'll give Victoria her birthday presents since I will be at a staff retreat this weekend (plus Phi Sigma Pi retreat and meeting). Hopefully I can get a few more things done, as well (cleaning my room, writing, Halo).
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
P.S. I have a feeling this is how I sound to some of the residents in the building (or the general populace as a whole).

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