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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mad Man

Dear Blog,

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I wish I could be like the Doctor. The 11th Doctor, mainly, but with my own spin or flare to it. But let's face it, if I were to suddenly become a Time Lord and wind up with my own TARDIS, I'd end up being very similar to the 11th Doctor, even without having seen Matt Smith's version prior to the random shift in my life.

I came about this realization (again) while watching Thor at the movies. I know, a tad confusing, so here's my attempt to articulate my thought process. While watching Thor swing Mjölnir around, I really wanted to be a part of that superhero world. Not Thor himself, per se, but a superhero. Someone with abilities above and beyond the boundaries of standard humans. I wanted to be in a world where I could fly, toss thugs around, be generally awesome. I thought about it after the movie, and decided if I were to be a superhero, I'd be like Tony Stark or Batman, using my smarts to be awesome.

But then I thought further. If I were to truly become immersed in a world as a hero-like figure, I wouldn't be able to be wacky as someone like Batman, or goofy if I were a Jedi, or random if I were a starship captain in Star Trek. I'd have to be like the Doctor. A Time Lord character. All of time and space to fulfill my nearly overcurious mind. I could do whatever I wanted, and still save people. Not just a city, but a universe to save. Anywhere, anytime. I would be there. I'd meet lots of interesting people, and yeah, I'd run a lot. But life wouldn't be boring. I would be able to learn all the time.

And when I think of this, being a Time Lord, not a companion or a Time Agent (that's what Captain Jack Harkness was, right?), I get so excited. I also get quite sad. Because as much as I wish for it all, the adventure, the travel, the people, and sonic screwdriver, I know I won't be able to have it. It's like a crush from reality most every time the episodes end. I am not a mad man with a box. A little depressing, it's true, but I get over it and go about my day.

Now that I think about it, perhaps I can be a mad man with a box. Yes, I can try and find a costume to wear for special occasions. And perhaps I could one day build a TARDIS to play around in. But for now, I think I should go ahead and have those adventures. Not in the real world, but on paper. I should write my own stories, create my own version of the Doctor. I mean, I still need to learn how to vlog, and my summer is starting off a tad dull, why not throw in a miniature challenge? I probably won't get around to it, but at least the idea is born, no? A sort of mind exercise to begin with, in hopes that it will slowly compel me to jot down those creations over time. I like the idea, and it makes me happy. Not won't need my legs to outrun the Slitheen, just my fingers typing away on the keyboard.

A mad man with a keyboard? I like the sound of that.

Until next time!
-Daniel Golden

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