Although this summer has started off on an odd foot (crazy desk shifts, over-worked as the RA on Duty via an onslaught of check-outs, suddenly moving to a new room and given the chance to interact with Freshman again), it's provided me the chance to utilize a fantastic resource of the Springfield community: the public library. I've known about the library for a long while, but never actually signed up so that I could check things out. During a break in my summer schedule (an oasis of sorts), I opted to go look around one of the branches of the library system. I have been missing out. So many things to check out from the library. Including Doctor Who things, to my surprise.
After checking out graphic novels for a few days, it dawned on me that I haven't read a good book in a while (outside of required reading for class, that is). That upset me a bit, because I recall reading quite a bit when I was younger. I do want to return to a regular reading schedule. But so far, I lack the drive to read. Why should I read when I can easily watch a Netflix movie or play a video game? The movie and game provide near immediate entertainment, whereas a novel requires a significant time commitment in order to enjoy. I am aware of my faults in this regard, but I can't seem to get past it. The library has provided me a good opportunity to spark my reading flame (hmm, maybe I shouldn't be using fire imagery in reference to books). I've checked out a Doctor Who story.

Doctor Who: Prisoner of the Daleks by Trevor Baxendale. It seems to feature the Tenth Doctor without a companion, which should make for an interesting read. It's due back to the library in ten days, so hopefully I will start to read it soon. I have training the next few days, so perhaps I'll read it during any free time that we might be granted.

Doctor Who: Apollo 23 by Justin Richards is a Doctor Who book I really want to read. It features the Eleventh Doctor, my personal favorite, and it seems that "The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23." With a line like that, how could I resist. Sure, Apollo 23 seems a bit too close to the Series 6 opening episode "The Impossible Astronaut" with the picture of an astronaut cover of the book, and even closer to the title of the second episode "Day of the Moon" with the plot taking place on the Moon, but it still seems pretty cool.
Let's hope that Prisoner of the Daleks spurs a reading trend for me, and that the library acquires Apollo 23 when I get in that reading frenzy. Perhaps then I can get a better feel of the Doctor's character in written form and I can write some fan fiction that will never see the light of day.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
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