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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Trendy Tuesday and Wonderful Wednesday or How Victoria Makes My Days Amazing

Dear Blog,

Victoria is here! Which is why I didn't update my blog yesterday. After driving hundreds of miles, she arrived Tuesday afternoon. From then until now (and the class in between), we've been spending time together. Which, consequently, is the reason why my blog wasn't updated yesterday. No worries, Dedicated Reader, I shall inform you of the event of my day.

After class, I cleaned up my room in anticipation of Victoria's arrival. I also picked up my new keyboard and took my laptop to ResNet to replace my broken keyboard. Victoria arrived and we kissed and said hi and whatnot. We ordered pizza and watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail. After that, I began to study. After studying, we went to Walmart to buy Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Then bedtime.

Wednesday, I woke up early and briefly studied for my Experimental Psychology test. I went to class, took the test, then came back to my room. I think I did fairly well on the testVictoria and I then went to the mall. I thought there was a miniature golf course inside the mall, but to my surprise, there was none. We ate at the Chick-fil-a in the mall as Victoria reveled in the power to select the music playing in the food court with a simple text message to the Akoo system in the mall (only 3 choices per user every 35 minutes). We went out in search of miniature golf after lunch. When we found Fun Acre, we played one round total, which she won. After golf, we went back to the room for an hour and started watching the movie Galaxy Quest. At 2:33, we went to the Hollywood Theater to save a spot for our 4:15 showing of Eclipse. We sat for about an hour and a half until Sarah and Juli arrived. We all sat in the theater and watched Eclipse. The girls were very excited about it. I have to admit that I enjoyed the movie. The character of Bella annoys me, but the movie was really good (best so far, in my opinion). After the movie, we all went to Ziggie's Cafe to eat dinner. After dinner, though, I had to work at the front desk (8:30 to midnight).

Not much else I can really add without rambling or repeating myself. Lasers, Taylor Swift, Xbox 360, space, Victoria. Yep, that covers it.

Until next time!
Daniel Golden

Monday, June 28, 2010

Standard Issue Monday or All the Right Thoughts in All the Wrong Circumstances

Dear Blog,

I am tired and I don't have much to talk about. I should try to create a wonderful story of my day, weaving in intricate details, lovable characters, and a ending that would warm the Grinch's heart. But I don't feel like I have the creative power to do that tonight. I did have that sudden urge to create while I was driving back from dinner with the family, but it quickly died down after realizing that my day wasn't the least bit productive.

I went to class, I ate with my family, I worked on publicity fliers. But I'm still behind on my Classical Mythology lectures and I have a huge test in experimental psychology on Wednesday. I need to wake up early tomorrow and watch a couple of lecture before lunch, then go to my lab, then study for the rest of the day. Not cramming, but a simple review. The concepts aren't difficult, but they are easy to confuse with one another (mainly names of concepts as opposed to the material).

I hope my keyboard arrives tomorrow. I do like this full sized keyboard, but I miss the option of having two computers at my disposal (and the luxury of being able to carry my laptop to other places). I also hope Gamestop will take reservations on the new Xbox 360 Slim soon. I've decided to buy it with the upgrade promotion.

I watched the teaser trailer to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'm excited for those movies (Part 1 and 2). Vast battles, touching stories, and hopefully a great way to end one of the greatest series (both book and film) that I've seen. When the series is offered in Blu-ray format as a box set, I think I'll purchase it.

Victoria comes here tomorrow! I'm even more excited about her visit. Nothing big planned aside from going to see Eclipse on Wednesday, but spending time with her is exactly what I need.

Closing thought: I'd like to thank God for science fiction and fantasy books/movies/stories/games/et cetera.

Until next time,
Daniel Golden

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Sitting or I'm Glad I'm Not a Greek God and That I Need to Dispose my Father to Gain Control Over the Universe

Dear Blog,

Today was a nice day. I worked from 8-12 in the morning, which means I get 4 hours of pay added to my account, in addition to watching a couple of my Classical Mythology Lectures during my long, largely uneventful shift. Note to self: The lobby of Kentwood Hall in allows anyone to speak loudly, even a quiet lecture on the front desk computer.

After my shift, I cleaned my room before my family stopped by to visit. My mom, dad, and sister are going to the University of Arkansas to meet with some professors about the opportunities my sister will have down at the school. My family and I went to Ziggie's Cafe and then to Barnes & Noble. I didn't get an books or movies, but then again, there weren't any that I wanted (and were priced fairly). After some shopping, they droped me back off at the residence hall, and I went window shopping at GameStop. I would like to buy Mass Effect 2 when/if I get the new Xbox 360 Slim. It's cheaper than its release price, and it's a game I've wanted for a while. Once again, patience is key.

I'm on duty tonight, so I have one hour until my freedom to leave the building is gone. I should get something to eat soon. Other than that, the most exciting thing to look forward to is Victoria coming to visit. But I feel that my nervousness toward my experimental psychology test might make me less social than usual.

A storm is approaching. The Doctor is known to the Daleks as The Oncoming Storm. I don't know if I'd want a title like that.

Until Next time,
Daniel Golden

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Melvin's Love Life

Dear Blog,

I'm writing Friday's entry on Saturday morning. Why? Because I'm working the 4am-8am shift with nothing but The Ricky Gervais Show to watch. I'm not complaining, it's a funny show, but I wish I were sleeping instead of working. But I'm making money, so yay!

Friday was an eventful day. I woke up and went to the PRC around 11. At first, is was just David (the Summer School Hall Director) and myself. Then Kristen showed up 15 minutes or so later. We worked on various projects until lunch. Nikki and Bridgette met up with us at lunch, and we went back to the PRC after lunch. Note to self: Be wary of the number of blonds in a room before telling blond jokes. I showed David the Star Wars parody of Empire State of Mind. Of course, he thought it was awesome. He deserves cool points.

After the second PRC trip, I drove Kristen and Nikki to buy a dress. I mainly walked around the electronic and toys sections of the store, but it was still nice compared to sitting in my room doing nothing. Nikki was kind enough to buy me a pretzel and drink afterward. After the shopping, Nikki and I then went in search of a pawn shop to sell her bracelet. After 20 minutes of searching, we found a place that gave her a nice sum of money for her unused jewelry. From the shop, to the bank to drop off her newly acquired cash, back to Kentwood. An hour later, we went to The Skinny Improv as part of Nikki's program. In total, only five people went to the show, (which meant my friend Juli got a free ticket) but it was still fun.

At the show, the improv scenes were both hilarious and original (and quite clean). One of our group members, Melvin, had his phone go off within the first couple minutes. The host played along with it when Melvin answered the phone instead of simply shutting it off. His friend on the other end, who was a girl, was joked about later in the show ("I don't know our relationship anymore. I feel just like Melvin!"). In addition to Melvin, 5 month old David in the seat behind me played a wonderful role in the show, too. The blue-eyed cutie squealed with joy during some scenes, and the actors incorporated his laughter into some scenes ("Where are my key?" "Follow the laughter of the baby seal I've hidden along with your keys"). I would like to go back to The Skinny Improv soon. Definitely worth it.

If I can, I would love to take improv classes there and perform on stage. It would be a lot of fun, because I like to think I'm intelligent and funny enough to actually be an improvisational comedian. Ah, talk about living the dream.

Well, aside from me sitting at the edge of my seat from the latest Doctor Who episode, not much else to ramble on about. But if you were wondering, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Sontarans, the Terileptils, the Slitheen, the Chelonians, the Nestene, the Drahvins, the Sycorax, the Zygons, the Atraxi and the Draconians (among others) have teamed up to fight The Doctor. I have no idea how this will end, but it appears The Doctor's companion Amy will die, River Song (the Doctor's future wife) will die, and The Doctor is defeated for good. Final episode airs tonight... in the UK. I want to watch it as soon as possible. So awesome!

I hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful day!
Until next time!
Daniel Golden

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Average Thursday or The Speed of Time is Expedited by Fun and Lack of a Substantially Busy Schedule

Dear Blog,

Today was a day. Nothing fantastic took place. Nothing wholly negative happened either. Sure, sent me an email saying that they no longer carry replacement keyboards for my laptop, but I easily went to Amazon to purchase another one. On the whole, today was good, though, so no worries.

My Experimental Psychology lab was less than a hour long. My assignment will be slightly difficult compared to previous assignments, but not impossible by any means. I watched one lecture of Classical Mythology and was able to do my laundry. So far, being on duty hasn't yielded any trouble. One more set of rounds at midnight and I'm set to sleep.

I also realized that my thought processes today were not very intricate. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep, or the sleep I did get was disturbed somehow, but in the end, I think my mind had slipped into a semi-auto pilot mode. I was aware of my conversations with others, responded with jokes and the like, but I don't know if I was truly "there". Perhaps I will "wake up" tomorrow.

And I don't know if I really need to say this, but since my mind isn't incredibly insightful today, this blog is quite short in length and substance. I apologize for this. Maybe tomorrow I will have a spark of creativity and write a story. Or at least a more interesting blog entry. No guarantee, though.

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Water Enveloped by Latex or How the Presence of Water Changed my Opinion of the Day

Dear Blog,

Today was a wonderfully split day. I woke up on time, went to class and learned about the various extraneous variables that could influence experiments, and proceeded to eat lunch. Class wasn't incredibly exciting, nor was lunch incredibly appetizing. I picked up my laptop from ResNet to find that my keyboard doesn't work at all and that I needed to purchase a replacement. I waited for 15 minutes in the hot sun for a BearLine shuttle (I think one of the shuttles skipped my street entirely). I then had the "joy" of trying to arrange my desktop to hold this huge RA monitor, my laptop, cooling unit, external hard drive, and keyboard (in front of my laptop so that I could use it in lieu of my junked keyboard, mind you) and then plug everything in the correct spot without getting tangled. Not a bad day, but far from a fun one.

Then came our staff meeting, the start of the other half of my day. It was by the pool and I joined the rest of the RAs in kicking off my shoes and resting my feet in the cool water throughout our meeting. As I've said before, the summer school RAs are pretty much awesome. Lots of fun and all around good people. I learned of some upcoming events, my group tentatively planned next month's activities/programs, and I heard about everyone's highs and lows. We went to dinner where I met up with Sarah and she talked about her. Day she seemed to need the release and I'm more than happy to listen. I can't write her lesson plans, but I can sure sympathize (and slightly empathize, too).

An hour later, my RA group prepared for our water balloon fight program. It took over an hour (and I still smell like latex balloon), but we made quite a few balloons. Credit to Blaire and Bridgette for tying all of them up. We had fun while making the balloons. Some would burst, others leaked. But our conversations were amusing (high amounts of "that's what she said" were included). The turnout for the program was low, but we still managed to have a great time. Nick pushed Blaire into the pool, Blaire doused myself and Bridgette, and I avenged Blaire by dumping a huge amount of water on Nick. So much fun! An important side note: Phones were not harmed in this battle of H2O.

After the program, I went to Walmart and purchased four CDs. To be fair, one CD was just a single, and another contained only seven songs.
"Can't Be Tamed" - Miley Cyrus
"Now That's What I Call Music 34" - Various Artists
"Suddenly" - Allstar Weekend (for my sister)
"California Gurls" - Katy Perry Feat. Snoop Dogg (only $1.98 at Walmart)

I plan to import them into iTunes and my newly updated iPhone (yay for iOS 4! boo for Victoria not being able to use the multitask feature on her iPod Touch) tonight as I watch a new Doctor Who episode. Yay for the Doctor! :D

Until next time!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From Sleepy Shifts to Sleeping In

Dear Blog,

I overslept today. I slept until 1pm, and I had my lab start at 12pm. I ran to my building (via Bearline) and made it to my classroom to find that no one was there. I waited for a while, and then realized class was probably let out early. Isn't that my luck? The first early release lab and I don't even attend. I'm kicking myself for sleeping in. How will I complete the assignment if I didn't do the experiment? How much will my grade fall for missing one class? Why didn't Steve Jobs call my iPhone to let me know that the iPhone was set to vibrate and I couldn't hear any of my alarms? So many (as of yet) unanswered questions! Blah.

Other than that hiccup, my life is pretty cool at this point in time. On Monday, we had our S'Mores N'More program here at Kentwood. I spent a lot of time with Bridgette (Sunvilla RA and third member of the program group along with Blaire and me) and got to know her better. The program was a moderate success, so I am glad about that. I imagine we'll have a lot more people for our Water Balloon Fight if the weather remains this hot.

My laptop is currently at ResNet. I spilled something on it and the keyboard started acting up. And by keyboard, I mean just the 'U' key. They cleaned it Friday and let it dry Saturday and Sunday. I went Monday to pick it up, and evidently, half the keyboard didn't work. So they are now cleaning that glitchy half of the keyboard, and by Wednesday, I should have my laptop back, keyboard and all. If the keyboard is still malfunctioning, I will have to buy a new laptop keyboard. I'll order the replacement and ResNet said they will be able to install it. I can still use the computer, by plugging in a USB keyboard, so no worries there. I'd just rather have a normal notebook keyboard for my laptop.

I'm still thinking about the new Xbox 360 Slim. now offers a bundle pack for $370, which includes the 360 Slim system, plus a data transfer cable and an additional black controller to match the 360 S. That's $60 more, but still a great deal. I'll have to ask local stores if they carry the same deal, and if I can trade in my current Xbox for that bundle.

I think that will wrap up this blog. I don't have too much to add, and I have some Classical Mythology lectures to watch. First lunch, then lectures. Yay for me!

Until next time!
Daniel Golden

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sleepy Shifts

Dear Blog,

It's 3:04 and I'm currently working at the Kentwood front desk. Yay me! Or not, depending on your (or my) point of view. Yay for the money, nay for the fact that I'm quite tired. Either way, this is a chance to catch up on a couple of days of missing blog entries. I can't recap day-by-day actions, nor do I plan to. I mainly need to enter something tonight to get back on track.

Classes are getting better. My mythology class is odd. Lots of talk, yet I take little notes. I can't complain, but I don't know if I'm actually preparing for midterms or just relearning things I know. And experimental psychology is only making me rack my brain because of the APA assignments we have. If I don't become a psychologist when I grow up, you can blame APA style format.

Being a RA is slowly getting easier. I've decided to approach the RA challenge is a way dissimilar to my academic process, yet very similar to video games. I am a n00b compared to the other "players", so I simply have to train and earn experience points (EXP) to level up to become a more capable RA. In some games, players have to grind to earn points fast. In real life, grinding isn't much of an option (creating mailbox stuffers is pretty close). So I have to find quests to earn EXP. Going on rounds are a nice "daily" quest. Aiding residents count toward random encounters. Enforcing policy is like battling lesser enemies. And keeping my door open means I'm always "logged in". Interacting with residents is like talking to combined NPCs and PCs (because they aren't players, but they aren't pre-programmed or static). I have no idea what level I'm aiming for, or what level I'm at now, but I'm still striving for more points. The more I do, the more I learn.

I'm also looking at buying the new Xbox 360 Slim. I can get up to $184 dollars by trading in my old console and accessories toward the $299 Slim. That's over half the price for a system that superior to my system in a few aspects. 1) It has a 250GB Hard drive compared to my tiny 20GB Hard drive, 2) it has a built-in wireless-N adapter compared to my older, external b/g adapter, 3) the Xbox 360 Slim is quieter, smaller, lighter, shinier, and safer to use (no Red Ring of Death) compared to me vulnerable and sometimes clunky 360. Do I need a new system? Honestly, no, but it wouldn't be a stretch to get one. It's more or less justified (unlike an upgrade to the iPhone 4 at this point in time). A small hang is that Gamestop won't get any Xbox 360 Slims for another few weeks, so I'd be without an Xbox if I traded now while the promotion is taking place. I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow or Monday.

I was quite pleased with the news in this year's E3, though. Force Unleashed II, The Old Republic, Civilization V, Fallout 3: New Vegas, and a few other surprises and confirmations (individually owned player ships in The old Republic!). It make 2010-2011 feel pretty awesome, which is great because as an RA for the academic year, I doubt I'll leave my room much anyway.

As the morning rolls on, I find myself creating typos and running short on focus and interesting material to write about. I feel now would be a good stopping point (plus, "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift just started to play on Pandora, creating a nice segway here at the desk from blog to anything else).

Until next time!
-Daniel Golden

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Lateralization of the Human Brain or There's a Party in the USA, Please Point me in the General Direction of Said Party

Dear Blog,

Today was a mixed emotion day. Don't worry, I didn't fall to my knees and swear revenge against my arch nemesis or anything that drastic (I just sent him a postcard...that I spilled some Coca-Cola on, muhaha!). I woke up early and took a shower, a near impossible task for me. Day gained a point. I then watched the new "Hope" cinematic trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG in development from Lucasarts and Bioware. Yeah, it was epic. Sorry, I mean it was EPIC! Troopers, Sith Warriors, Jedi, Force Powers, great choreography. Simply fantastic.

My day gained three points for that. I went to class and listened to the instructor for the next couple of hours and learned about different variables in experiments and about validity, reliability and scale of measurements. Yeah, it all sounds kinda dry because it all is. But I do enjoy Dr. Williams teaching style. She adds a certain charm to the lessons. And she gives us worksheets to apply what we just talked about. It helps a great deal, to be honest. Most other worksheets in my classes tend to be more hassle than help, but Dr. Williams chooses excellent problems to help solidify the lesson in my mind. Day gains one more point.

Around lunch, I eat at the dining facility where I meet up with Sarah and Nikki. Short conversation and they're off to class. I head back to Kentwood and make and appointment to see David, the summer school hall director, for a one-on-one session. I watch some Torchwood, then see David. We chat about me, him, ideas, questions, random musings.

We touch upon how my RA duties are coming along. I admit I'm not fantastic. In fact, I feel far more inexperienced than any other RA. That's probably because I actually am far more inexperienced than the other RAs. Day loses two points. I realize I have no clue how to go about staff development for July 7th. Day loses another point. But at the end, I show David the "Hope" trailer, at which his responses to the EPIC Jedi v. Sith battle make me happy. He's a self-proclaimed Star Wars buff, as well. Day regains two points. An hour later, we have staff meeting. I listen to notes, ideas, plans. I feel like I'm even farther behind when it comes to being a Resident Assistant. Day has another point lost. The summer school staff consists of an amazing group of people. I know I was chosen because I share similar abilities as these leaders, but when I make side-by-side comparisons, I feel like I share a table with giants. It's true that the table is a round one, but my accolades are not in the same realm as theses fine individuals. In a couple weeks, I might feel equal, but I am still a few steps behind. Patience is key. I must step back and view this new challenge. Nearly everything else I've encountered in the academic realm is, for lack of a better term, easy. Not that I don't try (Psychological Statistics was a struggle), but the procedure to improve is already set in my mind. Being a Resident Assistant requires a new mindset, a new plan of attack, a refined Daniel. Again, patience is key. It's odd to encounter something that I don't fully grasp at first glance, but I know I can understand, which places the goal with my reach. Day gains a point for this revelation, loses one for being a lap behind the pack.

After staff, I had dinner with some of the RAs, David, and Aleigha, hall director of Woods House, the residence hall I'll be a RA in during the next academic year. I feel lucky having her as my future hall director. She's pretty cool, and she's doesn't think I'm too weird, and doesn't mind when I embrace my oddities every now and then. Then the rave for alcohol awareness at 7 in the Kentwood Crystal Ballroom. For two hours, I listened to a variety of music, danced with friends, and had a blast. Not many people came, which was a disappointment, but you can't force residents to attend a program. Nick ballroom danced with me, which made me smile. I sang to some songs (White and Nerdy) and danced like no one was watching. I even ranted a bit to the song "Bedrock" and eventually wore myself out with all my wild flailing, err, "dancing". The day gained three points.

Throughout the day, I texted Victoria. She was feeling really sick around lunchtime. A combination of too much sun and some medicine, she said. Nausea is never fun. Day lost one point for that. And when she felt bad about the abrupt halt in our texting because of her sudden illness, even after my reassurance that she was not in fault at all, I couldn't help but feel like I missed something. An element or something lost in translation because of the impersonal feel of texting. Do I want to stop texting? Of course not, but I wished I could better convey that she's awesome and awesome people do get ill. She then reported a feeling of depression later in the day. Another two points taken from the day.

(And I lack any pants to wear because of the delay of my laundry duties from Tuesday to Wednesday to Thursday. Day loses another point for lack of clean clothes, and another point because I will need to wear shorts tomorrow.)

The number of points by the end of the day totaled a positive number, leading to a good day overall. But I truly wish I could help Victoria while I'm hundreds of miles from her through the use of a transporter (ex. Star Trek). And I wish I could find a magical amulet that granted mystical RA powers to its wearer. But patience plays a role in both areas in the real world.

Until next time,
Daniel Golden

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Carrie Underwood at JQH or How I Learned That I Won't Make it into the Music Business Because I Lack Sex Appeal (and a Marketable Singing Voice)

Dear Blog,

It's 12:20. Logic dictates at I should forgo my newly created blogging duties and go to bed, since I have class at 9 in the morning (in addition to a meeting and a program/rave to attend). But my dear logic, you fall to the wayside when Carrie Underwood takes the stage and Daniel actually gets to see her perform.

That is right, loyal readers, I saw Craig Morgan and Carrie Underwood perform at the John Q. Hammons Arena. How did I become fortunate enough to go to a sold out show? Well I will tell you. After my Experimental Psychology lab, I walked back to my truck. I saw that 100.5 The Wolf had set up in front of the JQH Arena. Curiosity compelled me to ask why they were there. And, of course, it was for the concert set for that night. I had forgotten about the concert when tickets sold out within two hours all those months ago. The booth/van the guys were setting up was part of a concert promo they had. The last two free tickets to the show were up for raffle, and I decided I wanted them. So back to my room I went, and packed up several "camping supplies". No, not wilderness camping, event camping. The kind of camping people do for the release of a new game, CD, highly hyped movie, and, yes, concerts. Laptop, water, notebooks, iPhone, lectures on CD, and notebook in my bag, I was ready.

So began a long wait until 5, when the called the winners. From 2:30 to 5, I stayed at the 100.5 tent. My camping materials in my Blazer, never touched because these guys were cool. I was even in an early promo spot, talking about why I was there and my favorite Carrie Underwood song. Victoria, being the amazing girlfriend she is, recorded me on the radio as she listened via the Internet. Hours later, the winner was announced. You, the intrepid reader, would guess that I won, since you know I actually attended the show. But alas! I did not win. But I stayed. Why? Well, you have to agree that a crowd of Carrie Underwood fans in preferable to homework. The next couple of hours weren't exciting. I was without a ticket and people slowly began finding their seats.

But the story doesn't here. I approach the ticket counter an inquiry to the availability of tickets and pricing. $45 for a nosebleed seat. Umm, no. So I go back out and sit about the 100.5 tent. I then spot two men holding tickets, walking the length of the JQH, holding a ticket. I ask the 100.5 booth if they have a clue as to their movements. I am informed that they have tickets they wish to sell. An opportunity! I ask the men the seat numbers they have, and the price they want. One says $50 for his $55 ticket. The other says $45 for his $55. The $45 man has the ticket of his daughter, who fell quite ill the day before this concert. Her seat, a very good one, was one of three her and her friends obtained. The father said he didn't care to sit with his daughter's friends at a concert he thought was "stupid". So I offered to buy his ticket for $40. He wouldn't budge from $45. I thought and reasoned "Hey, I was nearly willing to front $45 for a nosebleed seat, this is far better, and I don't have to use my parent's money." We agree, and TADA! I'm at my first concert.

I find my seat (Section L, Row 11, Seat 17, if you're curious) and meet to the two friends of the sick daughter. Brittant and Amanda are incredibly glad that I am a) not Katie's (sick girl) father and b) not a fat, drunk, perverted old guy. After talking for a bit, the lights dim and Craig Morgan comes out. I knew a few of his songs, so I sang along. But the most notable thing about Craig was his sexiness. I'm a straight guy, this I know for sure. But I know a sexy guy when I see one. He has a pretty good voice, nice songs (weird lip curling and faces while singing, and he's enjoying himself, a definite plus. But the highlight is his moves. The man's got some great hip action, and a above average butt. Let me reiterate my sexual orientation: I'm straight. But wow! This guy was hot on that stage! A good 20 seconds of a his back to the audience, swinging side to side, camera's flashing like mad, the huge screens on either side of the stage giving HD clarity to his moves. That was fun. I shall buy his CDs as soon as I can. I liked his style of music.

Then was a short intermission/break as the stage was cleared and readied for Carrie. I talked to Amanda and Brittany some more as we waitied. My iPhone died around this time, so we all traded contact info so I could have the pictures they took (including video of Craig). Then Carrie come onto the stage. Or rather, the stage lifted up and Carrie was posed of a sofa thingy. Cowboy Casanova played, she sang and danced, and the night began. I don't remember the other of songs, or all of them, but here are some highlights that are fresh in my mind (bear in mind that it's now 12:53 am). Note: I found a set list online thanks to Wikipedia.

She sang a variety of songs from her latest CD, Play On, as well as hits from Carnival Ride and Some Hearts. Highlights include strong vocals that gave me goosebumps, her dazzlingly smile, bring her mom on stage to wish her a happy birthday with a cake and the arena singing along, Carrie swinging to Just a Dream, cool graphics on the screens for Quitter, Mama's Song, and Last Name. Wonderful performance of Temporary Home. Totally changed how I listen to that song. She "wore" a dress that lit up with pretty lights in one number. And she "flew" a blue pick-up truck around the arena during Take me Home, Country Roads. Virtual duet with Randy Travis during I Told You So. Jesus Take the Wheel was powerful. Songs Like This included parts from White Liar and Single Ladies, which made me smile. And Carrie wore several outfits that were amazing! She's so pretty! And fun! I'm glad she isn't a stuck up celebrity. If I ran into her on the street, I'm sure I'd like her, regardless of her status.

After the encore, I went to my Blazer and waited half an hour to get out of the parking lot. Could I have walked back? Sure, but I didn't want to leave my car there. Plus, leaving my laptop overnight in a vehicle isn't an option. Nor was lugging that huge bag back to Kentwood desirable, either.

I might edit this entry later, to italicize songs, albums, or whatever needs to be fixed or tidied up. No doubt my early morning writing lacks the focus of my other literary work. Then again, my daytime writing is riddled with errors, too, so late night blogging might not suffer in comparison.

Until next time!
Daniel Golden

(Ended at 1:11)

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Entry

Dear Blog,

So this is my first blog entry on Blogger. Hooray! Huzzah! Now that I think I have things set up roughly the way I want them, it's time to begin writing some insightful stuff.

But as most writing projects go for me, I ask myself before anything else, "Who in my intended audience?" A paper for class? Easy, the instructor. A comment on YouTube? Teh 1nterwebz. Text messages, letters, notes, messages, and other short, written forms of communication are dependent on the recipient. But who should I write this blog to? To some of the close friends I know who will read it? Too narrow. The Internet as a whole? Too hopeful. To myself alone? An interesting stance. If I write my blogs to myself, my voice will (hopefully) be as true as possible. It should retain my personality (in contrast to APA, which rips my voice away from my papers, leaving them soulless and alone) and it makes blogging a truer form of "web logging". And if, perchance, I want to read these entries five, ten, or twenty years down the road, the format and style should be fairly familiar to myself.

Next question is slightly bigger: What do I write about? Well, keeping in line with the "write to myself" theme, then I can write about anything. Will I censor myself? Probably not, since there isn't much to censor. What if my mom reads this? Then let's hope she gains insight into her son's life and mind that doesn't horrify her. What if employers read this? Then they're smart to find the "real me". If they choose not to hire based on my writing here, odds are that I wouldn't have been employed there long in the first place. What about my friends? Nothing should shock them. In fact, this might strengthen friendships already in place. Without any real limits, the chances of creative work increase significantly. Maybe I'll post poems? Short stories? Random musings? Daily life? I hope all will be featured throughout the course of this blog.

Now we're on a roll. Audience? Check. Subject matter? Check. Frequency? Ehhhh, problem area spotted. I'd hate to set a schedule for blogs. Everyday would be fantastic! Twice or more? Splendid! But will I maintain that rate of blog posts? Probably not. Not on purpose, don't get me wrong, but simply because this is a new venture. And I might run out of interesting stories after a week or two of writing. Let's hope I get one written every other day. My apologies to future readers if my work is enthralling, yet my schedule is sporadic.

I think I should wrap this up now. I'll jot ideas done for future blogs, and maybe repost older blogs from MySpace. I'll search my hard drive from poems and stories fit to put online. And maybe I'll ponder the meaning of life tonight, too, just see what happens.

Until next time,
Daniel Golden