Dear Blog,
This is Part 2 of the "30 Days, 30 Letters" endeavor.
Day 7 — Your Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Love/Crush
Dear Ex-Girlfriends/Loves,
To Aeriel, I've apologized to you and you've accepted. Yes, I was young and immature. And you were my first girlfriend, so what did I know about relationships? Thanks for caring, for listening, for opening the door to a new way of looking at the world. I look back at memories of us fondly, and hope life treats you fairly.
You've turned some of the joy and pain I caused into wonderful words. Your book is a treasure of mine now, and I am so proud of what you've done.
To Patricia, I'm sorry things didn't work out. I'm sorry things didn't start as soon as they should have, too. Our relationship was unorthodox at times, but it was pretty great. We the relationship ended, I was crushed. But I got through, found myself, became a better version of me. You're so amazing, and I hope you'll be able to find someone once you start college.
And when you rule the world, remember me. I wouldn't need much, just a city or two to rule.
To Victoria, this letter to you is far too soon. After some time, I should write an additional blog; a sort of amendment to this endeavor.
Day 8 — Your Favorite Internet Friend
Dear Internet,
You are a great friend. You've connected me to so, so many people. On Facebook and MySpace, I've been able to chat long after school has ended. And the random sites that I visit allow me to meet new people, if only for a few days. You provide information when I need it fast, and entertainment when I desire it. So much to read, watch, and enjoy, thanks to you, Internet. Countless hours I have spent online, reading reviews, watching videos, browsing that safest of businesses and places of Main Street World Wide Web and dark alleys between the cracks in law and order.
I hope you grow, but hardly change.
Day 9 — Someone You Wish You Could Meet
Dear Taylor Swift,
Of all the world leaders, business people, celebrities, and heroes in my life, today, I wish I could meet you. I don't know if its because of the music you make, the way you talk, or the look in your eye, but I feel like we could be fast friends. You just seem like a wonderful person, and spending time with you would be like heaven. Would you date me? I don't know, but friendship would be fabulous, nevertheless. So to Taylor Swift, I wish I could meet you. Perhaps one day soon, our paths will cross and a bond created.
A dream, to be sure. And a marvelous dream it is.
Day 10 — Someone You Don’t Talk to as Much as You’d Like to
Dear Friends,
There are many friends that I have made, and subsequently do not talk to as much as I'd like to, because of moving. Sure, Facebook is a wonderful tool, and my phone is magical in some respects, but face-to-face communication is key to a friendship, and I've lost that with many of you. One day, when I'm rich and famous, I'll be able to visit and rekindle our friendships. But until then, maybe we should Skype?
Day 11 — A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To
Dear Nonna,
I couldn't talk to you much when you were alive, because you didn't speak English and my Italian was far from fluent. But since you're deceased, I imagine the afterlife is much like a TARDIS, in that you'd have the ability to speak and understand virtually all languages. I would like to talk about everything with you. Love, life, stories of wisdom, or whatever else you'd want to talk about. Perhaps I'll meet up with you one day, and we can chat then.
Although I'd imagine you'd just want me to eat a lot.
Day 12 — The Person You Hate Most/Caused You a Lot of Pain
Dear Nobody,
I don't hate anyone. I don't think I really can.
As for pain, its not a negative emotion in my experiences. Its a part of being human. It's a fact of life. So sure, I've been hurt, in pain, and it wasn't pleasant. But this day, this letter, is meant for a rant, and I don't have a rant to give.
Day 13 — Someone You Wish Could Forgive You
Dear Victoria,
I'm not aware of anyone who could forgive me, but you, in the coming weeks, might come to dislike me and/or my actions, if you haven't started to already. So for this day, this letter, I ask you to forgive me. I will be more than willing to talk to you. I will explain myself a dozen times to help you understand me, if you want. And I want to be your friend, too.
Forgive me.
Day 14 — Someone You’ve Drifted Away From
Dear Friends,
The same friends I wish I could talk to more are the same people that I've drifted from. It's not the fault of anyone. It's distance and time. Ours lives are different, and so too are our chances to chat. Hopefully, you might read this blog and we can come closer. Perhaps I'll be able to chat for a few hours next year to you, to catch up and learn from you all again.
Skype is awesome for that purpose.
Search (This Blog and Beyond)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
30 Days, 30 Letters
Dear Blog,
Blog, I haven't written to you in a very, very long time. But hopefully, this new project, "30 Days, 30 Letters", will help me write more often. The basic premise is that I will write a letter each day for a month's time to various people. I started writing these letters a month ago, but could never finish the first letter. There were so many people to include, and I remembered more and more as I wrote. So, I plan to try and limit myself as best I can.
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Dear Best Friends,
Oh, the best friend question. "Daniel, who is your best friend?" That's a tricky question, Everyday Citizen. Most people grow up with someone as their best friend, being neighbors, classmates, family friends, etc. But being a military brat, I've moved around a bit. With each move, came new friends. And sometimes those friends moved away while I stayed put. So, in the end, I've had several people I consider best friends, no greater or lesser in standing than the others. Best friends of mine at different times in my life, at different locations. So I'll write a letter to everyone, if I can.
To you, Best Friends, I say thanks. I sound formal and a tad detached, but cut me a break, I'm writing to dozens of people at once.
Best Friends, know that I value you. You've been there, via IM, MySpace, Facebook, phone call, video chat, and in person. You've listened to me, guided me, helped me become who I am. Life without close friends is hardly interesting, and thanks to you, I've had an interesting life.
For some of you, we don't chat very often. Random messages online, the text or phone call. And others, it seems like I bother you everyday. If I could, I'd see all of you each day. Be it for video games, a hug, random movies and shows, or just talking. Life hasn't worked out like that, and I hope you're in my thoughts as often as you're in mine.
I'm here, in cyberspace, if you ever need anything.
Day 2 — Your Crush
I Googled quotes about crushes.
"Sometimes I wish I could scream at you, and show you just what it is that you do to me."
Day 3 — Your Parents
I wrote about my parents in my birthday blog. Here is that clip, with some edits and an addition.
Mom and Dad, you have spoiled me. But let me be quick to say that I'm not complaining. I've always had ample food, games, and random stuff I probably begged for and said "I'll love you forever if you get this [trivial item] right now!" TV, movies, and books were plentiful. You also gave me plenty of love and attention. Reading to me at night, making sure I had the tools I needed to learn, encouraging me to be myself and supporting me when I wanted to be an archeologist one year, then an aerospace engineer the next year. You provided a humorous environment to grow and thrive in, and a life full of travel and culture. You protected me from some of life's unsavory aspects, but granted me access to everything when I was ready. My values and morals, my attitude toward life, and my personality stem from you. I am my own person with my own ideas and opinions, but I follow your example more often than not. I can thank you everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be adequate enough for what they've done for me. Braces, good schools, my own computer, telescope, vehicle, game consoles, TVs, stereos, CDs galore, DVDs, phones, Beanie Babies, McDonald's toys, furniture, decorations, vacations and trips to fantastic locations, and so many other random stuff that I'm not aware of, forgotten, or simply too numerous to list without delaying the point. The thing I can do for you is to live my life. To go into the world and be myself. I'll stumble, fail, but I'll learn and continue to grow.
And grandchildren. I'm sure you eventually want some grandchildren, right?
Day 4 — Your Sibling
Dear Linda,
I have no idea if you read this blog, or are even aware of its existence, but that is beside the point. The point that I aim to make is that you are my sister, and you are awesome.
Yes, I've totally been an older sibling to you. Poked fun, bossed you around, gotten upset and started pointless arguments. But you have to admit, we've had far more good times than bad. TV shows we watched together, our crazy inside jokes, common interests and wonderful differences.
We're older now, and we both know you've got this vast potential ahead of you. You've got this intellect that I'm jealous of at times. And an artistic eye that still eludes me. You've got several successes to your name and you haven't even graduated yet. You've got a plan, a goal, a dream. You're set to go.
But with all this, be aware that I'm still older. It doesn't make me better, but it makes me a tad wiser. So please, listen to me when I try to give you advice (and the same goes for when mom and dad do the same). You know this to be true, but I don't think you actually believe it at times. Don't nod your head and say "I know, I know." That doesn't help you. Listen and try to learn.
It sounds like I'm lecturing, but when it comes to you, I only wish you'd listen at times. College is different. The academics are going to be more difficult, but that's only half of the experience. And I don't want you to fail at college when you could have simply listened to us when it comes to everything else.
Linda, you're an excellent sister. Lighten up a bit when the family pokes fun, listen when people try to help, and most of all, don't be different for the sake of being different; just be yourself.
Day 5 — Your Dreams
Dear Dreams,
You are varied. You are changing. You are a tad crazy at times.
Jedi Starship Captain is a wonderful thought, but it won't happen.
Dreams, you want me to strive toward a benevolent, altruistic, helpful career. What can I do? I want to help. I want to use my skill set toward the betterment of mankind.
How do I do that?
Stand up comedian? Is that an option?
Counselor? Is that too obvious?
Creative writing? Does it help people?
I need a bit more clarity. Dreams, can you show me a clearer path? My future isn't clouded by the dark side of the Force. Perhaps my path simply isn't illuminated by the light side yet.
Day 6 — A Stranger
Dear Stranger,
I don't know you. Your face isn't not familiar. You name is not known.
But did I make you smile? Did I light up your day? I laugh a lot, and laughter is a bit contagious, no? I like to have fun. I play with lightsabers and bolt out of elevators pretending to be a time traveler being chased by a Terminator.
I hope I made you happy with my antics. I hope I can get to know you, too. No need to remain strangers, eh?
Blog, I haven't written to you in a very, very long time. But hopefully, this new project, "30 Days, 30 Letters", will help me write more often. The basic premise is that I will write a letter each day for a month's time to various people. I started writing these letters a month ago, but could never finish the first letter. There were so many people to include, and I remembered more and more as I wrote. So, I plan to try and limit myself as best I can.
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Dear Best Friends,
Oh, the best friend question. "Daniel, who is your best friend?" That's a tricky question, Everyday Citizen. Most people grow up with someone as their best friend, being neighbors, classmates, family friends, etc. But being a military brat, I've moved around a bit. With each move, came new friends. And sometimes those friends moved away while I stayed put. So, in the end, I've had several people I consider best friends, no greater or lesser in standing than the others. Best friends of mine at different times in my life, at different locations. So I'll write a letter to everyone, if I can.
To you, Best Friends, I say thanks. I sound formal and a tad detached, but cut me a break, I'm writing to dozens of people at once.
Best Friends, know that I value you. You've been there, via IM, MySpace, Facebook, phone call, video chat, and in person. You've listened to me, guided me, helped me become who I am. Life without close friends is hardly interesting, and thanks to you, I've had an interesting life.
For some of you, we don't chat very often. Random messages online, the text or phone call. And others, it seems like I bother you everyday. If I could, I'd see all of you each day. Be it for video games, a hug, random movies and shows, or just talking. Life hasn't worked out like that, and I hope you're in my thoughts as often as you're in mine.
I'm here, in cyberspace, if you ever need anything.
Day 2 — Your Crush
I Googled quotes about crushes.
"Sometimes I wish I could scream at you, and show you just what it is that you do to me."
Day 3 — Your Parents
I wrote about my parents in my birthday blog. Here is that clip, with some edits and an addition.
Mom and Dad, you have spoiled me. But let me be quick to say that I'm not complaining. I've always had ample food, games, and random stuff I probably begged for and said "I'll love you forever if you get this [trivial item] right now!" TV, movies, and books were plentiful. You also gave me plenty of love and attention. Reading to me at night, making sure I had the tools I needed to learn, encouraging me to be myself and supporting me when I wanted to be an archeologist one year, then an aerospace engineer the next year. You provided a humorous environment to grow and thrive in, and a life full of travel and culture. You protected me from some of life's unsavory aspects, but granted me access to everything when I was ready. My values and morals, my attitude toward life, and my personality stem from you. I am my own person with my own ideas and opinions, but I follow your example more often than not. I can thank you everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be adequate enough for what they've done for me. Braces, good schools, my own computer, telescope, vehicle, game consoles, TVs, stereos, CDs galore, DVDs, phones, Beanie Babies, McDonald's toys, furniture, decorations, vacations and trips to fantastic locations, and so many other random stuff that I'm not aware of, forgotten, or simply too numerous to list without delaying the point. The thing I can do for you is to live my life. To go into the world and be myself. I'll stumble, fail, but I'll learn and continue to grow.
And grandchildren. I'm sure you eventually want some grandchildren, right?
Day 4 — Your Sibling
Dear Linda,
I have no idea if you read this blog, or are even aware of its existence, but that is beside the point. The point that I aim to make is that you are my sister, and you are awesome.
Yes, I've totally been an older sibling to you. Poked fun, bossed you around, gotten upset and started pointless arguments. But you have to admit, we've had far more good times than bad. TV shows we watched together, our crazy inside jokes, common interests and wonderful differences.
We're older now, and we both know you've got this vast potential ahead of you. You've got this intellect that I'm jealous of at times. And an artistic eye that still eludes me. You've got several successes to your name and you haven't even graduated yet. You've got a plan, a goal, a dream. You're set to go.
But with all this, be aware that I'm still older. It doesn't make me better, but it makes me a tad wiser. So please, listen to me when I try to give you advice (and the same goes for when mom and dad do the same). You know this to be true, but I don't think you actually believe it at times. Don't nod your head and say "I know, I know." That doesn't help you. Listen and try to learn.
It sounds like I'm lecturing, but when it comes to you, I only wish you'd listen at times. College is different. The academics are going to be more difficult, but that's only half of the experience. And I don't want you to fail at college when you could have simply listened to us when it comes to everything else.
Linda, you're an excellent sister. Lighten up a bit when the family pokes fun, listen when people try to help, and most of all, don't be different for the sake of being different; just be yourself.
Day 5 — Your Dreams
Dear Dreams,
You are varied. You are changing. You are a tad crazy at times.
Jedi Starship Captain is a wonderful thought, but it won't happen.
Dreams, you want me to strive toward a benevolent, altruistic, helpful career. What can I do? I want to help. I want to use my skill set toward the betterment of mankind.
How do I do that?
Stand up comedian? Is that an option?
Counselor? Is that too obvious?
Creative writing? Does it help people?
I need a bit more clarity. Dreams, can you show me a clearer path? My future isn't clouded by the dark side of the Force. Perhaps my path simply isn't illuminated by the light side yet.
Day 6 — A Stranger
Dear Stranger,
I don't know you. Your face isn't not familiar. You name is not known.
But did I make you smile? Did I light up your day? I laugh a lot, and laughter is a bit contagious, no? I like to have fun. I play with lightsabers and bolt out of elevators pretending to be a time traveler being chased by a Terminator.
I hope I made you happy with my antics. I hope I can get to know you, too. No need to remain strangers, eh?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
RA Poems
Dear Blog,
I wrote short poems for Woods Staff today, as part of my developmental presentation. I hope that sharing an aspect of my education (creative writing), I can help others grow into more well-rounded people. Plus, it was a neat activity. I can't wait to hear what everyone brings to the staff meeting next Wednesday.
[Attention: These may be inside jokes, stories, and information unknown to many readers; please don't delve into the poems too much, as I just want to exhibit them and show that I'm not dead: these poems may be removed in the future]
Never to leave a friend
In need alone, and
Keeps on helping until she
Knows that her friend
Is alright in the end
Starts to work on a
Program far in advance,
Encompassing all the
Needed aspects therein,
Certain that his hard work
Eventually aids at least one
Although the outsider
Sometimes sees just
Her blunt front,
Life allows Ashleigh to
Embellish the lives of those
Inherently lucky enough to
Get to know
Ashleigh Pt.2
Although the outsider
Sometimes sees just
Her blunt front, those
Lucky enough to be near her have their lives
In ways
God could have only
Have dreamed of
Another team builder?
No one has
Interest in these since
Early October, after Aleigha’s
Lovely shark impression
Kind words aren’t
Enough to accurately
Label attributes to her, although
Sweet has to be mentioned somewhere
In this poem, because
Everyone knows it’s true
Jim Winslow
Just when the day
Is done, one can
Make sure to find,
Without a doubt, this
Individual listening to music,
New and old; be thankful,
Since he can be quite
Loquacious and
Without his iPod
Heads above the others around her,
Although physically small,
Let it be known that
Yes, a girl can
Shop to her heart’s content and
Still score higher than you in the
All of your classes
Electrical engineering is a
Labor of
Love for this guy;
Indeed, it has to be if
One intends to
Take that degree into
The real world
Elliot Pt.2
Enveloped nearly every day in
Logarithms and
Lengthy equations,
Inevitably, he finds an
Opportunity to
Those that give him strength to persist
Before you meet him, you
Recognize the
Aura of positivity that
Never leaves his presence;
Diligent and always great,
One can see why Michelle
Nabbed him from the market
Jubilant as always, she
Understands you when you
Don’t even understand
Able to finish large tasks in a
Little time span,
Efficient only goes part way to detail the
Intricacies that
Go through the mind of our
Hall Director; her
Amiable outlook holds the true secret to success
Jaunt is hardly the
Obvious choice for the
Adventures our
Night hostess
Nevertheless embarks on when
Another student wanders in with goggles on
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I wrote short poems for Woods Staff today, as part of my developmental presentation. I hope that sharing an aspect of my education (creative writing), I can help others grow into more well-rounded people. Plus, it was a neat activity. I can't wait to hear what everyone brings to the staff meeting next Wednesday.
[Attention: These may be inside jokes, stories, and information unknown to many readers; please don't delve into the poems too much, as I just want to exhibit them and show that I'm not dead: these poems may be removed in the future]
Never to leave a friend
In need alone, and
Keeps on helping until she
Knows that her friend
Is alright in the end
Starts to work on a
Program far in advance,
Encompassing all the
Needed aspects therein,
Certain that his hard work
Eventually aids at least one
Although the outsider
Sometimes sees just
Her blunt front,
Life allows Ashleigh to
Embellish the lives of those
Inherently lucky enough to
Get to know
Ashleigh Pt.2
Although the outsider
Sometimes sees just
Her blunt front, those
Lucky enough to be near her have their lives
In ways
God could have only
Have dreamed of
Another team builder?
No one has
Interest in these since
Early October, after Aleigha’s
Lovely shark impression
Kind words aren’t
Enough to accurately
Label attributes to her, although
Sweet has to be mentioned somewhere
In this poem, because
Everyone knows it’s true
Jim Winslow
Just when the day
Is done, one can
Make sure to find,
Without a doubt, this
Individual listening to music,
New and old; be thankful,
Since he can be quite
Loquacious and
Without his iPod
Heads above the others around her,
Although physically small,
Let it be known that
Yes, a girl can
Shop to her heart’s content and
Still score higher than you in the
All of your classes
Electrical engineering is a
Labor of
Love for this guy;
Indeed, it has to be if
One intends to
Take that degree into
The real world
Elliot Pt.2
Enveloped nearly every day in
Logarithms and
Lengthy equations,
Inevitably, he finds an
Opportunity to
Those that give him strength to persist
Before you meet him, you
Recognize the
Aura of positivity that
Never leaves his presence;
Diligent and always great,
One can see why Michelle
Nabbed him from the market
Jubilant as always, she
Understands you when you
Don’t even understand
Able to finish large tasks in a
Little time span,
Efficient only goes part way to detail the
Intricacies that
Go through the mind of our
Hall Director; her
Amiable outlook holds the true secret to success
Jaunt is hardly the
Obvious choice for the
Adventures our
Night hostess
Nevertheless embarks on when
Another student wanders in with goggles on
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dear Blog,
I learned in my RA class at the beginning of the year that one of the most common hindrances in a person's schedule is not procrastination, but over-planning. Being involved in so much stuff and trying to accommodate all needs. I laughed quietly to myself at thing, thinking of the fools who would do that.
Blog, I didn't know it then, but I laughed quietly to myself about myself.
I have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Story to write, books to read, RA tasks, homework, Phi Sigma Pi, and relationships (and personal ambitions, like TV shows, movies, video games, and recreational books).
But I love it all.
I love being an RA. I thought this was a nifty job for me. But now, I know it is a lifestyle. A glorious one at times, too. I love Woods House and I love the people I meet. It's stressful, I am underpaid, and sometimes my residents don't acknowledge my work, but in the end, totally worth it.
I love my classes. True, a couple are very tough and boring, but I love to learn. The random factoids and personal stories from teachers. The opportunity to ask nearly anything I want (and not be glared at by peers). I love how I retain the most interesting or complex of things. I am honored by this college experience.
I love Phi Sigma Pi. The people in this organization are fantastic. Very many girls, as I believe I've said before. Not a bad thing, to be sure, just odd at times. But still, I love this group of people. I wish I had listened to the invites given my Freshman year. I hope I can keep up the induction requirements and finally be a real member. (On a side note, my scholarship event for PSP was a big success; lots of fun and games and everyone was able to relax and laugh)
I love my relationships. My girlfriend is amazing. She's funny and sweet, and knows my body language. I will think to myself "I wish she'd..." and then she will. I don't know how she does it, but I love it. I try to do what I can for her. I offer advice when I can, I shut-up other times. I try to make life interesting for her. I don't know what the future holds (Brandon Flowers knocking at her door and whisking her away to the Kanto region?), but for the time being, I love what we have.
I love my friends. The support I get from them is fantastic (and the huge amount of birthday wishes to my Facebook wall made me feel awesome). I feel like I've pushed many of them to the wayside, though. I wish I hadn't. My life is very hectic, and it's hard for me to divert from my plans to visit people. If they come to me, fantastic! But traveling off campus to visit someone (heck, to other buildings) is hard to pull off. I like to stay on my floor to be there for my residents. If you feel like a neglected friend, visit me on the fifth floor of Woods. I may be busy when you visit, but a quick "Hey, how are you?" will brighten my day.
Blog, I am not perfect. I am not Superman. But I am Daniel, and Daniel (from what I hear) is a pretty awesome guy. I'll get through all my commitments, but it won't be easy. I just want you to know that you aren't forgotten, Blog. Simply one of the many things I wish I could maintain, but sadly, lack the time due to over-planning.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I learned in my RA class at the beginning of the year that one of the most common hindrances in a person's schedule is not procrastination, but over-planning. Being involved in so much stuff and trying to accommodate all needs. I laughed quietly to myself at thing, thinking of the fools who would do that.
Blog, I didn't know it then, but I laughed quietly to myself about myself.
I have a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Story to write, books to read, RA tasks, homework, Phi Sigma Pi, and relationships (and personal ambitions, like TV shows, movies, video games, and recreational books).
But I love it all.
I love being an RA. I thought this was a nifty job for me. But now, I know it is a lifestyle. A glorious one at times, too. I love Woods House and I love the people I meet. It's stressful, I am underpaid, and sometimes my residents don't acknowledge my work, but in the end, totally worth it.
I love my classes. True, a couple are very tough and boring, but I love to learn. The random factoids and personal stories from teachers. The opportunity to ask nearly anything I want (and not be glared at by peers). I love how I retain the most interesting or complex of things. I am honored by this college experience.
I love Phi Sigma Pi. The people in this organization are fantastic. Very many girls, as I believe I've said before. Not a bad thing, to be sure, just odd at times. But still, I love this group of people. I wish I had listened to the invites given my Freshman year. I hope I can keep up the induction requirements and finally be a real member. (On a side note, my scholarship event for PSP was a big success; lots of fun and games and everyone was able to relax and laugh)
I love my relationships. My girlfriend is amazing. She's funny and sweet, and knows my body language. I will think to myself "I wish she'd..." and then she will. I don't know how she does it, but I love it. I try to do what I can for her. I offer advice when I can, I shut-up other times. I try to make life interesting for her. I don't know what the future holds (Brandon Flowers knocking at her door and whisking her away to the Kanto region?), but for the time being, I love what we have.
I love my friends. The support I get from them is fantastic (and the huge amount of birthday wishes to my Facebook wall made me feel awesome). I feel like I've pushed many of them to the wayside, though. I wish I hadn't. My life is very hectic, and it's hard for me to divert from my plans to visit people. If they come to me, fantastic! But traveling off campus to visit someone (heck, to other buildings) is hard to pull off. I like to stay on my floor to be there for my residents. If you feel like a neglected friend, visit me on the fifth floor of Woods. I may be busy when you visit, but a quick "Hey, how are you?" will brighten my day.
Blog, I am not perfect. I am not Superman. But I am Daniel, and Daniel (from what I hear) is a pretty awesome guy. I'll get through all my commitments, but it won't be easy. I just want you to know that you aren't forgotten, Blog. Simply one of the many things I wish I could maintain, but sadly, lack the time due to over-planning.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dear Blog,
I am 21 years old today.
I am considered an adult in all 50 states. I am able to do so many things in so many places that I previously was restricted from (except renting a car). I have more freedom than ever before, with more choices, but I have more responsibilities to my name, as well. In some regards, I am a man. Many others, still just a boy or guy. I have a life in front of me that is not altogether clear. But I still have it, and it is mine to own. A life of potential, full of energy, ready to move forward.
I like many of the same things I did five years ago, in addition to new things. Star Wars and Star Trek have stayed with me. Doctor Who and theatre have been added. My last two years of high school allowed me to grow into a fuller version of myself. And college has provided me with a new venue for life. I am more social, more knowledgeable, and hopefully wiser than in the past. At times, I am known to shy away from girls, but I am not shy. Over five years, I have grown to appreciate my education more. I am not as sure of my intellect as I once was. I would love to address my 16 year old self, and advise him. I have no doubt my 26 year old self would like to do the same for my current self, too.
My parents have spoiled me. I've always had ample food, games, and random stuff I probably begged for and said "I'll love you forever if you get this [trivial item] right now!" TV, movies, and books were plentiful. They also gave me plenty of love and attention. Reading to me at night, making sure I had the tools I needed to learn, encouraging me to be myself and supporting me when I wanted to be an archeologist one year, then an aerospace engineer the next year. They provided a humorous environment to grow and thrive in, and a life full of travel and culture. They protected me from some of life's unsavory aspects, but granted me access to everything when I was ready. My values and morals, my attitude toward life, and my personality stem from them. I am my own person with my own ideas and opinions, but I follow their example more often than not. I can thank them everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be adequate enough for what they've done for me. Braces, good schools, my own computer, telescope, vehicle, game consoles, TVs, stereos, CDs galore, DVDs, phones, Beanie Babies, McDonald's toys, furniture, decorations, vacations and trips to fantastic locales, and so many other random stuff that I'm not aware of, forgotten, or simply too numerous to list without delaying the point.
Blog, today I am 21. While on Earth, I have orbited our sun, Sol, twenty one complete times. In my life, I hope that mankind can begin traveling to distant worlds and flourish. I hope many ailments are cured. I hope a level of peace can be reached that would allow all people to live without fear of attack. I hope that technology continues to progress and become more inventive. I hope my children will have access to faster travel, faster information retrieval, but slower lives to enjoy the beauty of this world. The art in museums, on the airwaves, in nature. The wonderment of human creativity should astound them, and they should be allowed to live their lives as my parents have let me live mine.
Blog, there are various facets of my life. Each one contributed to the creation of the person I am today. The stories I've heard, read, or seen, the music I've listened to, the people I've come to call my friends, the teachers in my life, the role models of history, the resources at my fingertips. So many things equal to the idea of Daniel Stephen Golden. And that's fascinating. If I never watched Star Wars, would I be a radically different person? If I never took Honors courses and learned my voice in writing and presentations? If I never applied to be a Resident Assistant and interacted with the amazing individuals in ResLife? If I never befriended great friends or enjoyed their company? The mathematical impossibility of my very existence is complex and wonderful. Life is a gift and I embrace it and love it.
Blog, this entry is a note to myself. A note to remind me that I am special, I am unique. This entry is a thank you to my parents, to life in general. This entry is, simply put, not a diary page, but an acknowledgment of my life's delicate components.
I think, therefore, I am.
I am Daniel.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I am 21 years old today.
I am considered an adult in all 50 states. I am able to do so many things in so many places that I previously was restricted from (except renting a car). I have more freedom than ever before, with more choices, but I have more responsibilities to my name, as well. In some regards, I am a man. Many others, still just a boy or guy. I have a life in front of me that is not altogether clear. But I still have it, and it is mine to own. A life of potential, full of energy, ready to move forward.
I like many of the same things I did five years ago, in addition to new things. Star Wars and Star Trek have stayed with me. Doctor Who and theatre have been added. My last two years of high school allowed me to grow into a fuller version of myself. And college has provided me with a new venue for life. I am more social, more knowledgeable, and hopefully wiser than in the past. At times, I am known to shy away from girls, but I am not shy. Over five years, I have grown to appreciate my education more. I am not as sure of my intellect as I once was. I would love to address my 16 year old self, and advise him. I have no doubt my 26 year old self would like to do the same for my current self, too.
My parents have spoiled me. I've always had ample food, games, and random stuff I probably begged for and said "I'll love you forever if you get this [trivial item] right now!" TV, movies, and books were plentiful. They also gave me plenty of love and attention. Reading to me at night, making sure I had the tools I needed to learn, encouraging me to be myself and supporting me when I wanted to be an archeologist one year, then an aerospace engineer the next year. They provided a humorous environment to grow and thrive in, and a life full of travel and culture. They protected me from some of life's unsavory aspects, but granted me access to everything when I was ready. My values and morals, my attitude toward life, and my personality stem from them. I am my own person with my own ideas and opinions, but I follow their example more often than not. I can thank them everyday for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be adequate enough for what they've done for me. Braces, good schools, my own computer, telescope, vehicle, game consoles, TVs, stereos, CDs galore, DVDs, phones, Beanie Babies, McDonald's toys, furniture, decorations, vacations and trips to fantastic locales, and so many other random stuff that I'm not aware of, forgotten, or simply too numerous to list without delaying the point.
Blog, today I am 21. While on Earth, I have orbited our sun, Sol, twenty one complete times. In my life, I hope that mankind can begin traveling to distant worlds and flourish. I hope many ailments are cured. I hope a level of peace can be reached that would allow all people to live without fear of attack. I hope that technology continues to progress and become more inventive. I hope my children will have access to faster travel, faster information retrieval, but slower lives to enjoy the beauty of this world. The art in museums, on the airwaves, in nature. The wonderment of human creativity should astound them, and they should be allowed to live their lives as my parents have let me live mine.
Blog, there are various facets of my life. Each one contributed to the creation of the person I am today. The stories I've heard, read, or seen, the music I've listened to, the people I've come to call my friends, the teachers in my life, the role models of history, the resources at my fingertips. So many things equal to the idea of Daniel Stephen Golden. And that's fascinating. If I never watched Star Wars, would I be a radically different person? If I never took Honors courses and learned my voice in writing and presentations? If I never applied to be a Resident Assistant and interacted with the amazing individuals in ResLife? If I never befriended great friends or enjoyed their company? The mathematical impossibility of my very existence is complex and wonderful. Life is a gift and I embrace it and love it.
Blog, this entry is a note to myself. A note to remind me that I am special, I am unique. This entry is a thank you to my parents, to life in general. This entry is, simply put, not a diary page, but an acknowledgment of my life's delicate components.
I think, therefore, I am.
I am Daniel.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
He Shall Fight on the Beaches Against Himself
Daniel Golden
ENG 315
He Shall Fight on the Beaches Against Himself
The words hit Phillip’s chest like a bomb to a bunker. He heard the top brass and their formal statements and suggestions. The testimonies were then read. Judgment had been passed as the meeting closed. He’d been told to halt all his flights from the base. Grounded. He’d been told he was “suddenly unpredictable” and he would need to see someone soon and talk about his “mental state.” That morning, he’d been a hero, nationally, and rumors hinted at internationally, known. He was the poster boy for the RAF, for Britain, and, at times, for democracy itself. He was the epitome of a fine soldier. He had several commendations and a few defense missions under his belt. He did everything according to the letter throughout his life. Captain Phillip Oliver Browning, the ideal son for England. And now he was treated like a rookie in the woods without a compass. What am I without my plane, country, or name?
He walked from the sterile conference room into the nearest restroom where adjusted his uniform in front of a mirror with the words phrase “Loose Lips Sink Ships” above and below the frame. His blue, battle dress uniform was clean and pressed, as it always was, shoes polished, despite the gravity of the hearing. His holster, now void of a pistol, was squarely on his right hip. His bright blonde hair was cut according to Ministry of Defense and RAF Handbook standards, his face cleanly shaven, with his blue eyes shining in glow of the single bulb hanging in the center of the small room. It was rumored that is was this very image, albeit with a broad smile, was circulating within Germany, subject to many admirers and clubs. His Aryan-like portrait must have made many citizens giddy with a since of irony it conveyed. The caption would probably read “Obvious infiltration of the RAF”.
He left the restroom and walked into the late afternoon sun, not knowing where to go from there. If he went straight home, his wife would be there waiting for him, and he’d have to explain why he wasn’t flying. And Phillip knew, as a runner-up husband, she’d have little reason to stay. Why would lovely Rose continue to be with an “unstable” man? The other option of heading back to the barracks or airfield was also called in question in Phillip’s mind, as the guys would surely ask why he’d been called to that meeting. He’d be honest, of course, and they’d all take a step back from him. Camaraderie had it limits, too.
Maybe that doctor would offer some advice or some help, but it’d be at least a week before an appointment would be set up as he would be flown in from America. So Phillip to avoid any such of confession for the time being, he walked toward a favorite pub of his, sun setting fast behind the nearby town’s buildings. He journeyed to Hamlet’s Hamlet, where everyone knew him but not that day’s horrid events. He looked forward to answering civilian questions, hopefully avoiding the truth of that day, but not wholly lying. Before, they had asked why he joined, what he felt in the air, how many Nazis he’d killed. And Phillip would be glad to repeat the stories. To do more for this country than my father did. Being in the air was like feeling free from all other concerns of the Earth below. He’d lost count at 20.
The plan was to stay low and enjoy a final night of drinks and glory, before heading home to Rose. But it seemed fate wanted Phillip to feel approaching loneliness he was surely destined for sooner than later. Fate saw Phillip as a geyser, spraying the toxic tonic of his reckless behavior on the ground, away from his plane.
Phillip was heading down a back alley path when five young men stepped out from behind corners and trash bins on both ends of this back way. Phillip trudged forward, footfalls solid and resounding in the enclosed space. He gaze was set straight ahead. The casual observer would have commented that Phillip was oblivious to the air of danger that enveloped the alley. The casual observer would also be wrong.
“Oy, flyboy Browning! I know you!” began the biggest of the men, grin on his face. All of the men were wearing the same, slightly beaten black suit getup, seeming like copies of each other, right down to the black hair and plaid, grey shirts under their suit jackets. Phillip noticed the holey bowler that the big one held in his hand. He was more concerned with the cricket bat in hands of the man to the right of this Campbell.
“Ah said ‘oy’!” shouted the leader. Phillip paused. I won’t get to stroll on out of this encounter. “You are that pretty boy Browning, right?”
“I am,” is all that Phillip said, with a voice that silenced radios on many missions. Campbell was, unfortunately, not attuned to the tone.
“Looky here, boys! We hafe ourselves a gen-u-ine ‘ero in our presence,” announced the charismatic fool, exaggerating the circumstance, arms spread wide, bowler still in hand and open toward Phillip. “We should treat ‘im wif da respect ‘e rightly deserves, eh?”
“Sure thing, Campbell” smiled the man with the cricket bat, twirling it in his hands, casual taking mock practice swings toward Phillip.
“May I pass?” inquired Phillip with the unnerving calm of a man purchasing a newspaper, without the polite smile or well wishes.
“Well, the matter of the situation is that, you, Browning, sah,” mocked Campbell with a botched salute, “make for a nice target fer me the gang ‘ere. If the papers got word out that we beat you up a bit, we earn some respect. We cain’t fight for Britain against them Nazis, but we can sure rule these streets while you lot are gone. Our number would surely multiply with an ‘accomplishment’ like a battered Browning on our résumé,” explained the man, slowly circling Phillip, confident in his logic. “Wif our numbers larger, we can resist those Bobbies and move onto getting what we want. More people, more stuff to be stolen, er, rather, ‘gathered’ during those annoying bombing runs.” Phillip remained still, standing at parade rest by the end of Campbell’s monologue. “I’m sure you know about those bombing runs better than us, eh? Especially with those escorts. Well, maybe you don’t know much. But Johnny prob’ly did, righ’?”
Phillip’s head slowly turned toward the leader. Phillip’s face was of stone, the color of his eyes drained away, leaving just a gray outline. His jaw line tensed, stepped back with his right foot and bringing up his arms. “Let me through,” whispered Phillip. The words were a warning. Two of the gang member behind Phillip backed away slowly. Campbell, McFarlane, and the Richards to Campbell’s left took the words and twisted them into provocation.
“We just can’t do that.”
“Then let’s see who will be left ‘battered’.”
“If you are a fighter like your bother, then you’re going down in flames, too” chuckled Campbell, then ordered his right hand man, who he called McFarlane, to run forward first. Phillip noticed the form he used when holding his bat. Primary school style. Amateur. Phillip easily dodged the man, causing him to stumble and trip due to his misplaced momentum. As he spilled over on the ground, the bat slid toward the two cautious members down the alley. Phillip stared straight at them, resulting in them turning right around and fleeing the scene of the ambush. Phillip walked past the first assailant as he was slowly stirring from his unexpected fall and picked up the bat.
“Are you sure you want to continue?” inquired Phillip, turning to face the remaining targets, pointing his new weapon toward the two men, hoping this bold move would resolve this conflict without wounds for either party.
“We don’t give up like those bloody boys,” spat Campbell. “Come on, Richards, let’s smash this cocky pilot, then grab a pint at Zeppelin Shelter. Both he and Richards ran toward Phillip. Phillip brandished the bat like a professional and waiting. As Campbell came closer, Richards slowed down, leaving a clean shot for Phillip. Campbell tried to hold back the bat, but one swift swing simply hit his fingertips as it passed and hit his chin squarely on the cleft. Phillip pulled the bat back and jabbed it at Richards’s chest as if it were a rapier before Campbell landed on the ground from his hit. McFarlane stood up as Richards tripped back to a wall. McFarlane rushed Phillip from behind, latching his arms around Phillip’s neck. Phillip knelt down as McFarlane locked around him, trying to flip him. McFarlane was heavier than Phillip thought and wound up falling hard to the cobblestone. Phillip landed on top of McFarlane, with Campbell and Richards sprinting from their respective locations, ready to kick Phillip while his was on the ground.
Thinking quickly, Phillip rolled to the right when Campbell and Richards were inches away, effectively having their punched and kicks hit McFarlane, who was still determinatively locked onto Phillip. McFarlane immediately let go, giving Phillip the chance to continue rolling, then bringing himself back up. McFarlane lay curled on the ground as Campbell and Richards locked eyes with Phillip. Battered, but still standing, both hoodlums ran toward Phillip. Phillip stepped to the left of the two men barging toward him, hitting Richards’s knee cap as he ran by. Leg out of commission, Richards crumbled to the ground, sliding into the alley wall face first.
Campbell slowly turned, just feet away from Phillip. Campbell glared at Phillip. Phillip remained stoic.
“Ya know,” began Campbell, “you’re a tough fellow. I’m sure me boss would like it if you weren’t hurt by us, but ‘stead, joined us?”
“I decline the job offer,” retorted Phillip.
“Then I guess it’s a fight to the end for you, is it?”
“I guess it is.”
Campbell pulled back his shoulders, positioned he legs, and ran as fast as he could toward Phillip. Phillip angled his bat to its side and hit Campbell in the temple. Campbell fell to the ground instantly. Phillip dropped the bat own its owner with a loud crack as it landed on McFarlane’s head.
Phillip left the scene and went straight to the pub. But in lieu of drinks, Phillip had his wife Rose waiting for him to walk through the faded yellow door. The explanation he hadn’t prepared yet was now at the forefront of his mind.
“What happened, Phillip?” demanded Rose, compassion nowhere to be found in her stance or voice. While she looking lovely wearing a blue dress with white trimming, her best teaching outfit, her round face had a searing glare on it that was reserved for whipping only the most delinquent of children. “The Major called you to clarify that your grounded state was to last until you got approval from a psychologist. Why didn’t you tell me you were grounded? Why do you even need to speak to some Freudian fraud? What happened today?”
Phillip sighed. Liquid courage would ease the situation, but the line of access to the Guinness was cut by Rose’s presence. He looked straight into her knowing, knowing that she would leave near immediately when he told her the truth. And not only would she leave, but the pub’s loyal customers would turn away. No one would understand why he would admit to his actions. Honor above all else.
“I lost my cool in the air. Johnny was shot down, right in front of me. I saw the flames and smoke surround his Hurricane, and heard his radio broadcast his screams. No one was there for him.” Phillip looked down to the floor. “I wasn’t there for him, at the end, when he needed someone.”
Phillip glanced upwards to further explain, he eyes lost in the past event of that day, reflecting on the hatred he had felt toward the enemy, toward life’s unfair rules. “I lost it. Johnny shouldn’t have been the first to get shot out of the air. I went on a crusade. I broke formation from the other Spitfires and went straight for the bugger Messerschmitt I thought shot Johnny. Once the bastard went down, I moved through the German ranks, taking out a full escort and bomber before being shot myself. I retreated to find that not only did I take out those planes, I endangered other pilots, directly resulting in three other downed aircraft, according to ground spotters.”
Before Rose could say anything in response, an older police officer ran into the pub, short of breath, and called for help, reporting three men critically injured in the alley near the pub.
“Officer, I injured those men,” clarified Phillip.
“Did you know that one of those men is dead?” inquired the old man, still panting.
“No. Not at all. I just fought them off when they ganged up on me.”
“Well I know you, Captain Browning,” said the man, running fingers through his gray hair, “you wouldn’t hurt a soul unless ya needed to. Don’t worry ‘bout paper work or nothin’. I’m sure no one will miss that lot, anyways. I hear you were up fightin’ the Luftwaffe, so you can go home and rest, sir.”
Before Phillip could object, the officer went back to tend to the gang members, followed by several of the pub’s occupants, including the bartender. Soon it was just Rose and Phillip, standing near the entrance, the pub’s radio quietly playing a message from Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Rose shook her head as the speech continued in the empty pub. Her lips curled slightly as she spoke to Phillip. “I knew this is what would happen. You’ve tried to be a stand-up soldier, but I remember; I remember your father and how he treated those he didn’t like. Beat them down. He killed young Thomas Parker when Tommy and his pals robbed that shop back in Leadsworth. With a cricket bat, no less. And he got away with it, just you just did. The boy was only sixteen.”
Rose held back some tears before she continued. Her passion for children took hold for a minute. Before Phillip could reach out to hold her, she spat at him. “How old were those boy in the alley?” she continued. Same age? Younger, maybe? Just trying to make a living on the streets, too old for school and too young to die in a war that’s left them in dire straits. You’re the same man, Phillip Browning. You can’t hide from it. Today in the sky, just now in that alley. You’re a cold killer. You can’t escape it. You’re a good actor, fooling the RAF, being plastered on propaganda throughout the country. But you’ve ruined it. Because Johnny died, like the hundreds before him, and that’s when you reacted. I told you not to recruit him into your squadron. But you insisted you needed to watch over him. See what’s happened? Because of you, Johnny is gone, not to mention however many people you let die. You are no man. You are some sort of monster.”
Rose’s remarks were like an underground bomb exploding in his core, rippling outward and cracking his being. He’d viewed his life as an example for even others to follow. But it seemed that now, after losing it all, he can see the truth. The horrible truth of my life.
“Phillip, I never loved you. I married you to secure a teaching job after Roger died. You know this. And sure, many of a children were evacuated, but so many have returned because of the bloody poor planning on the part of you precious Churchill. I’m needed more now than before. I don’t need you now. I don’t want to be with you. And I want to leave before I am unfortunate to have a child afflicted with whatever curse that follows your family.” She stopped to give Phillip a chance to respond. He simply looked at the ground. “Well? Anything to say before I head back to pack up?”
But Phillip could only stare at the ground. He shook his head and let her leave out the pub. He’d lost his brother, his life, and his wife. He’d managed to follow his father’s footsteps without stepping in remotely the same direction as him. Nothing could be said to ease reality.
Phillip sat at the bar and waiting simply waited for the bartender. Even oak countertop, stained with age, remained dignified despite Phillip’s presence. When the bartender came back, he offered a drink to Phillip, on the house for all the mayhem that went on that day. Phillip asked for some whisky as he sat and listened to the remainder of the BBC broadcast of Churchill’s speech.
“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”
ENG 315
He Shall Fight on the Beaches Against Himself
The words hit Phillip’s chest like a bomb to a bunker. He heard the top brass and their formal statements and suggestions. The testimonies were then read. Judgment had been passed as the meeting closed. He’d been told to halt all his flights from the base. Grounded. He’d been told he was “suddenly unpredictable” and he would need to see someone soon and talk about his “mental state.” That morning, he’d been a hero, nationally, and rumors hinted at internationally, known. He was the poster boy for the RAF, for Britain, and, at times, for democracy itself. He was the epitome of a fine soldier. He had several commendations and a few defense missions under his belt. He did everything according to the letter throughout his life. Captain Phillip Oliver Browning, the ideal son for England. And now he was treated like a rookie in the woods without a compass. What am I without my plane, country, or name?
He walked from the sterile conference room into the nearest restroom where adjusted his uniform in front of a mirror with the words phrase “Loose Lips Sink Ships” above and below the frame. His blue, battle dress uniform was clean and pressed, as it always was, shoes polished, despite the gravity of the hearing. His holster, now void of a pistol, was squarely on his right hip. His bright blonde hair was cut according to Ministry of Defense and RAF Handbook standards, his face cleanly shaven, with his blue eyes shining in glow of the single bulb hanging in the center of the small room. It was rumored that is was this very image, albeit with a broad smile, was circulating within Germany, subject to many admirers and clubs. His Aryan-like portrait must have made many citizens giddy with a since of irony it conveyed. The caption would probably read “Obvious infiltration of the RAF”.
He left the restroom and walked into the late afternoon sun, not knowing where to go from there. If he went straight home, his wife would be there waiting for him, and he’d have to explain why he wasn’t flying. And Phillip knew, as a runner-up husband, she’d have little reason to stay. Why would lovely Rose continue to be with an “unstable” man? The other option of heading back to the barracks or airfield was also called in question in Phillip’s mind, as the guys would surely ask why he’d been called to that meeting. He’d be honest, of course, and they’d all take a step back from him. Camaraderie had it limits, too.
Maybe that doctor would offer some advice or some help, but it’d be at least a week before an appointment would be set up as he would be flown in from America. So Phillip to avoid any such of confession for the time being, he walked toward a favorite pub of his, sun setting fast behind the nearby town’s buildings. He journeyed to Hamlet’s Hamlet, where everyone knew him but not that day’s horrid events. He looked forward to answering civilian questions, hopefully avoiding the truth of that day, but not wholly lying. Before, they had asked why he joined, what he felt in the air, how many Nazis he’d killed. And Phillip would be glad to repeat the stories. To do more for this country than my father did. Being in the air was like feeling free from all other concerns of the Earth below. He’d lost count at 20.
The plan was to stay low and enjoy a final night of drinks and glory, before heading home to Rose. But it seemed fate wanted Phillip to feel approaching loneliness he was surely destined for sooner than later. Fate saw Phillip as a geyser, spraying the toxic tonic of his reckless behavior on the ground, away from his plane.
Phillip was heading down a back alley path when five young men stepped out from behind corners and trash bins on both ends of this back way. Phillip trudged forward, footfalls solid and resounding in the enclosed space. He gaze was set straight ahead. The casual observer would have commented that Phillip was oblivious to the air of danger that enveloped the alley. The casual observer would also be wrong.
“Oy, flyboy Browning! I know you!” began the biggest of the men, grin on his face. All of the men were wearing the same, slightly beaten black suit getup, seeming like copies of each other, right down to the black hair and plaid, grey shirts under their suit jackets. Phillip noticed the holey bowler that the big one held in his hand. He was more concerned with the cricket bat in hands of the man to the right of this Campbell.
“Ah said ‘oy’!” shouted the leader. Phillip paused. I won’t get to stroll on out of this encounter. “You are that pretty boy Browning, right?”
“I am,” is all that Phillip said, with a voice that silenced radios on many missions. Campbell was, unfortunately, not attuned to the tone.
“Looky here, boys! We hafe ourselves a gen-u-ine ‘ero in our presence,” announced the charismatic fool, exaggerating the circumstance, arms spread wide, bowler still in hand and open toward Phillip. “We should treat ‘im wif da respect ‘e rightly deserves, eh?”
“Sure thing, Campbell” smiled the man with the cricket bat, twirling it in his hands, casual taking mock practice swings toward Phillip.
“May I pass?” inquired Phillip with the unnerving calm of a man purchasing a newspaper, without the polite smile or well wishes.
“Well, the matter of the situation is that, you, Browning, sah,” mocked Campbell with a botched salute, “make for a nice target fer me the gang ‘ere. If the papers got word out that we beat you up a bit, we earn some respect. We cain’t fight for Britain against them Nazis, but we can sure rule these streets while you lot are gone. Our number would surely multiply with an ‘accomplishment’ like a battered Browning on our résumé,” explained the man, slowly circling Phillip, confident in his logic. “Wif our numbers larger, we can resist those Bobbies and move onto getting what we want. More people, more stuff to be stolen, er, rather, ‘gathered’ during those annoying bombing runs.” Phillip remained still, standing at parade rest by the end of Campbell’s monologue. “I’m sure you know about those bombing runs better than us, eh? Especially with those escorts. Well, maybe you don’t know much. But Johnny prob’ly did, righ’?”
Phillip’s head slowly turned toward the leader. Phillip’s face was of stone, the color of his eyes drained away, leaving just a gray outline. His jaw line tensed, stepped back with his right foot and bringing up his arms. “Let me through,” whispered Phillip. The words were a warning. Two of the gang member behind Phillip backed away slowly. Campbell, McFarlane, and the Richards to Campbell’s left took the words and twisted them into provocation.
“We just can’t do that.”
“Then let’s see who will be left ‘battered’.”
“If you are a fighter like your bother, then you’re going down in flames, too” chuckled Campbell, then ordered his right hand man, who he called McFarlane, to run forward first. Phillip noticed the form he used when holding his bat. Primary school style. Amateur. Phillip easily dodged the man, causing him to stumble and trip due to his misplaced momentum. As he spilled over on the ground, the bat slid toward the two cautious members down the alley. Phillip stared straight at them, resulting in them turning right around and fleeing the scene of the ambush. Phillip walked past the first assailant as he was slowly stirring from his unexpected fall and picked up the bat.
“Are you sure you want to continue?” inquired Phillip, turning to face the remaining targets, pointing his new weapon toward the two men, hoping this bold move would resolve this conflict without wounds for either party.
“We don’t give up like those bloody boys,” spat Campbell. “Come on, Richards, let’s smash this cocky pilot, then grab a pint at Zeppelin Shelter. Both he and Richards ran toward Phillip. Phillip brandished the bat like a professional and waiting. As Campbell came closer, Richards slowed down, leaving a clean shot for Phillip. Campbell tried to hold back the bat, but one swift swing simply hit his fingertips as it passed and hit his chin squarely on the cleft. Phillip pulled the bat back and jabbed it at Richards’s chest as if it were a rapier before Campbell landed on the ground from his hit. McFarlane stood up as Richards tripped back to a wall. McFarlane rushed Phillip from behind, latching his arms around Phillip’s neck. Phillip knelt down as McFarlane locked around him, trying to flip him. McFarlane was heavier than Phillip thought and wound up falling hard to the cobblestone. Phillip landed on top of McFarlane, with Campbell and Richards sprinting from their respective locations, ready to kick Phillip while his was on the ground.
Thinking quickly, Phillip rolled to the right when Campbell and Richards were inches away, effectively having their punched and kicks hit McFarlane, who was still determinatively locked onto Phillip. McFarlane immediately let go, giving Phillip the chance to continue rolling, then bringing himself back up. McFarlane lay curled on the ground as Campbell and Richards locked eyes with Phillip. Battered, but still standing, both hoodlums ran toward Phillip. Phillip stepped to the left of the two men barging toward him, hitting Richards’s knee cap as he ran by. Leg out of commission, Richards crumbled to the ground, sliding into the alley wall face first.
Campbell slowly turned, just feet away from Phillip. Campbell glared at Phillip. Phillip remained stoic.
“Ya know,” began Campbell, “you’re a tough fellow. I’m sure me boss would like it if you weren’t hurt by us, but ‘stead, joined us?”
“I decline the job offer,” retorted Phillip.
“Then I guess it’s a fight to the end for you, is it?”
“I guess it is.”
Campbell pulled back his shoulders, positioned he legs, and ran as fast as he could toward Phillip. Phillip angled his bat to its side and hit Campbell in the temple. Campbell fell to the ground instantly. Phillip dropped the bat own its owner with a loud crack as it landed on McFarlane’s head.
Phillip left the scene and went straight to the pub. But in lieu of drinks, Phillip had his wife Rose waiting for him to walk through the faded yellow door. The explanation he hadn’t prepared yet was now at the forefront of his mind.
“What happened, Phillip?” demanded Rose, compassion nowhere to be found in her stance or voice. While she looking lovely wearing a blue dress with white trimming, her best teaching outfit, her round face had a searing glare on it that was reserved for whipping only the most delinquent of children. “The Major called you to clarify that your grounded state was to last until you got approval from a psychologist. Why didn’t you tell me you were grounded? Why do you even need to speak to some Freudian fraud? What happened today?”
Phillip sighed. Liquid courage would ease the situation, but the line of access to the Guinness was cut by Rose’s presence. He looked straight into her knowing, knowing that she would leave near immediately when he told her the truth. And not only would she leave, but the pub’s loyal customers would turn away. No one would understand why he would admit to his actions. Honor above all else.
“I lost my cool in the air. Johnny was shot down, right in front of me. I saw the flames and smoke surround his Hurricane, and heard his radio broadcast his screams. No one was there for him.” Phillip looked down to the floor. “I wasn’t there for him, at the end, when he needed someone.”
Phillip glanced upwards to further explain, he eyes lost in the past event of that day, reflecting on the hatred he had felt toward the enemy, toward life’s unfair rules. “I lost it. Johnny shouldn’t have been the first to get shot out of the air. I went on a crusade. I broke formation from the other Spitfires and went straight for the bugger Messerschmitt I thought shot Johnny. Once the bastard went down, I moved through the German ranks, taking out a full escort and bomber before being shot myself. I retreated to find that not only did I take out those planes, I endangered other pilots, directly resulting in three other downed aircraft, according to ground spotters.”
Before Rose could say anything in response, an older police officer ran into the pub, short of breath, and called for help, reporting three men critically injured in the alley near the pub.
“Officer, I injured those men,” clarified Phillip.
“Did you know that one of those men is dead?” inquired the old man, still panting.
“No. Not at all. I just fought them off when they ganged up on me.”
“Well I know you, Captain Browning,” said the man, running fingers through his gray hair, “you wouldn’t hurt a soul unless ya needed to. Don’t worry ‘bout paper work or nothin’. I’m sure no one will miss that lot, anyways. I hear you were up fightin’ the Luftwaffe, so you can go home and rest, sir.”
Before Phillip could object, the officer went back to tend to the gang members, followed by several of the pub’s occupants, including the bartender. Soon it was just Rose and Phillip, standing near the entrance, the pub’s radio quietly playing a message from Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Rose shook her head as the speech continued in the empty pub. Her lips curled slightly as she spoke to Phillip. “I knew this is what would happen. You’ve tried to be a stand-up soldier, but I remember; I remember your father and how he treated those he didn’t like. Beat them down. He killed young Thomas Parker when Tommy and his pals robbed that shop back in Leadsworth. With a cricket bat, no less. And he got away with it, just you just did. The boy was only sixteen.”
Rose held back some tears before she continued. Her passion for children took hold for a minute. Before Phillip could reach out to hold her, she spat at him. “How old were those boy in the alley?” she continued. Same age? Younger, maybe? Just trying to make a living on the streets, too old for school and too young to die in a war that’s left them in dire straits. You’re the same man, Phillip Browning. You can’t hide from it. Today in the sky, just now in that alley. You’re a cold killer. You can’t escape it. You’re a good actor, fooling the RAF, being plastered on propaganda throughout the country. But you’ve ruined it. Because Johnny died, like the hundreds before him, and that’s when you reacted. I told you not to recruit him into your squadron. But you insisted you needed to watch over him. See what’s happened? Because of you, Johnny is gone, not to mention however many people you let die. You are no man. You are some sort of monster.”
Rose’s remarks were like an underground bomb exploding in his core, rippling outward and cracking his being. He’d viewed his life as an example for even others to follow. But it seemed that now, after losing it all, he can see the truth. The horrible truth of my life.
“Phillip, I never loved you. I married you to secure a teaching job after Roger died. You know this. And sure, many of a children were evacuated, but so many have returned because of the bloody poor planning on the part of you precious Churchill. I’m needed more now than before. I don’t need you now. I don’t want to be with you. And I want to leave before I am unfortunate to have a child afflicted with whatever curse that follows your family.” She stopped to give Phillip a chance to respond. He simply looked at the ground. “Well? Anything to say before I head back to pack up?”
But Phillip could only stare at the ground. He shook his head and let her leave out the pub. He’d lost his brother, his life, and his wife. He’d managed to follow his father’s footsteps without stepping in remotely the same direction as him. Nothing could be said to ease reality.
Phillip sat at the bar and waiting simply waited for the bartender. Even oak countertop, stained with age, remained dignified despite Phillip’s presence. When the bartender came back, he offered a drink to Phillip, on the house for all the mayhem that went on that day. Phillip asked for some whisky as he sat and listened to the remainder of the BBC broadcast of Churchill’s speech.
“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Last Week on "Daniel's Life"
Dear Blog,
I'm not very motivated to write an entry today, but I have definitely been slacking when it comes to blog posts. I will try to highlight some events in brief detail. My apologies if this isn't a comprehensive list of my most recent activities.
I am now an Initiate for Phi Sigma Pi and the Scholarship Chair for my class. Both are exciting steps into this new organization. The people there seem pretty awesome, and I imagine that I will have lots of fun while attending programs and interacting with all the members. Balancing this new addition to my life will be hard, but I think I will be able to work things out eventually.
32 Minutes was amazing! From my point of view, it was a huge success. I had a lot of fun and it looked awesome. Thomas and I were bouncers for the rave party. We were awesome bouncers, if I do say so myself. We danced to a few songs and interacted with all the people entering the party. We tried to entice passerbyers, and a few actually attended. I'm sure we entertained many of the party goers as well, with our bouncer dance moves and random "old guy" comments.
Thomas is a cool guy, too. We have a few things in common, like interests and similar senses of humor. I'm glad he and Nikki are dating. Best friend and new guy friend sounds like an ideal match to me. Makes communication a little easier, too.
Victoria and I had our six month anniversary on Tuesday. Since 32 Minutes was taking place, we didn't do much the day of. But the next day, I took her to Red Lobster. We dressed up and went together. She looked beautiful in her dress and I looked like House, M.D. in my getup. She has never been to a Red Lobster before, so she was excited. It was nice for us to eat some "real" food, too. We talked throughout the meal, and ultimately wound up going to Gamestop (both the one in the mall and the store across from Barnes & Noble) after the meal. She bought a game for her DS on the suggestion from her BFF Tom. We stopped by her room so she could get some comfortable clothes, then went to my room where she watched a couple of episodes of Doctor Who and I wrote my midterm. Cuddling commenced after I finished my paper and she finished Doctor Who. I will admit I was acting very, very silly. But it was just me and her, so I can be as zany as I can and she won't punch me for it.
Classes are going relatively well. I have yet to write my short stories for ENG 315. But I hope, when I use my dedicated time on Friday, I'll be able to compose a good story in a writing session. I have a developed character, but I don't feel like he would act interesting in any sort of story I place him in. I can make him go crazy or something (deviating from my standard stories that involve a huge dose of humor), but it doesn't seem like it'd be a fun story to write. I like to write fun things. Gruesome deaths, loss of relationships, general disarray and chaos aren't in my ballpark, but I'd like to test my writing ability and see if I can do that. The say humor is a hard form to master, especially in writing, but I've never had many troubles writing funny stories, so maybe it is the opposite for me. Psychology of Adolescence is interesting, and not very difficult. History and Systems of Psychology is interesting, and the exams are tough, but a good class, nonetheless. ENG 362 has tough material, but an intriguing professor. And SPN 102 is, well, Spanish. Poor test grades don't make me feel too bad. I'm simply going to focus a bit more in class and try some more worksheets.
The fifth floor has a great group of guys. Friendships have clearly formed, and the majority of the guys I talk to on a regular basis seem to be enjoying life here at MSU. When I see the more reclusive residents, they too seem to be having a good time. I simply wish a few of them would actually attend floor events. I hope the upcoming NERF Battle will convince a few of them to shut off those Xbox 360s and head outside.
Well, that's all I can think to write at the moment. Tomorrow (maybe even tonight), I'll give Victoria her birthday presents since I will be at a staff retreat this weekend (plus Phi Sigma Pi retreat and meeting). Hopefully I can get a few more things done, as well (cleaning my room, writing, Halo).
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
P.S. I have a feeling this is how I sound to some of the residents in the building (or the general populace as a whole).
I'm not very motivated to write an entry today, but I have definitely been slacking when it comes to blog posts. I will try to highlight some events in brief detail. My apologies if this isn't a comprehensive list of my most recent activities.
I am now an Initiate for Phi Sigma Pi and the Scholarship Chair for my class. Both are exciting steps into this new organization. The people there seem pretty awesome, and I imagine that I will have lots of fun while attending programs and interacting with all the members. Balancing this new addition to my life will be hard, but I think I will be able to work things out eventually.
32 Minutes was amazing! From my point of view, it was a huge success. I had a lot of fun and it looked awesome. Thomas and I were bouncers for the rave party. We were awesome bouncers, if I do say so myself. We danced to a few songs and interacted with all the people entering the party. We tried to entice passerbyers, and a few actually attended. I'm sure we entertained many of the party goers as well, with our bouncer dance moves and random "old guy" comments.
Thomas is a cool guy, too. We have a few things in common, like interests and similar senses of humor. I'm glad he and Nikki are dating. Best friend and new guy friend sounds like an ideal match to me. Makes communication a little easier, too.
Victoria and I had our six month anniversary on Tuesday. Since 32 Minutes was taking place, we didn't do much the day of. But the next day, I took her to Red Lobster. We dressed up and went together. She looked beautiful in her dress and I looked like House, M.D. in my getup. She has never been to a Red Lobster before, so she was excited. It was nice for us to eat some "real" food, too. We talked throughout the meal, and ultimately wound up going to Gamestop (both the one in the mall and the store across from Barnes & Noble) after the meal. She bought a game for her DS on the suggestion from her BFF Tom. We stopped by her room so she could get some comfortable clothes, then went to my room where she watched a couple of episodes of Doctor Who and I wrote my midterm. Cuddling commenced after I finished my paper and she finished Doctor Who. I will admit I was acting very, very silly. But it was just me and her, so I can be as zany as I can and she won't punch me for it.
Classes are going relatively well. I have yet to write my short stories for ENG 315. But I hope, when I use my dedicated time on Friday, I'll be able to compose a good story in a writing session. I have a developed character, but I don't feel like he would act interesting in any sort of story I place him in. I can make him go crazy or something (deviating from my standard stories that involve a huge dose of humor), but it doesn't seem like it'd be a fun story to write. I like to write fun things. Gruesome deaths, loss of relationships, general disarray and chaos aren't in my ballpark, but I'd like to test my writing ability and see if I can do that. The say humor is a hard form to master, especially in writing, but I've never had many troubles writing funny stories, so maybe it is the opposite for me. Psychology of Adolescence is interesting, and not very difficult. History and Systems of Psychology is interesting, and the exams are tough, but a good class, nonetheless. ENG 362 has tough material, but an intriguing professor. And SPN 102 is, well, Spanish. Poor test grades don't make me feel too bad. I'm simply going to focus a bit more in class and try some more worksheets.
The fifth floor has a great group of guys. Friendships have clearly formed, and the majority of the guys I talk to on a regular basis seem to be enjoying life here at MSU. When I see the more reclusive residents, they too seem to be having a good time. I simply wish a few of them would actually attend floor events. I hope the upcoming NERF Battle will convince a few of them to shut off those Xbox 360s and head outside.
Well, that's all I can think to write at the moment. Tomorrow (maybe even tonight), I'll give Victoria her birthday presents since I will be at a staff retreat this weekend (plus Phi Sigma Pi retreat and meeting). Hopefully I can get a few more things done, as well (cleaning my room, writing, Halo).
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
P.S. I have a feeling this is how I sound to some of the residents in the building (or the general populace as a whole).

Monday, October 4, 2010
Dear Blog,
Tonight I am tired. I will go to bed very shortly.
I just wanted to propose a question:
Do you believe in magic?
I do.
I felt it tonight.
Love is magic.
Love is powerful.
Love is a driving force in my life and it is splendid.
Blog, this love that I feel is truly magical.
Though some days I lose touch of that, I still know it to be true.
Love is magic.
Magic is mystical.
Love and magic are unknown and wonderful.
Blog, this may seem immature and childish.
That's because it is the power of love at work.
Love is unique is all of its forms.
Friendship, passion, art, admiration, adoration.
All is love.
And I am in love.
I am love.
I am magic.
So Blog, do you believe in me?
Because I do.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Tonight I am tired. I will go to bed very shortly.
I just wanted to propose a question:
Do you believe in magic?
I do.
I felt it tonight.
Love is magic.
Love is powerful.
Love is a driving force in my life and it is splendid.
Blog, this love that I feel is truly magical.
Though some days I lose touch of that, I still know it to be true.
Love is magic.
Magic is mystical.
Love and magic are unknown and wonderful.
Blog, this may seem immature and childish.
That's because it is the power of love at work.
Love is unique is all of its forms.
Friendship, passion, art, admiration, adoration.
All is love.
And I am in love.
I am love.
I am magic.
So Blog, do you believe in me?
Because I do.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Dear Blog,
I've been quite busy, as of late. I've got several things to do and a short amount of time to do them. And honestly, I'm not up to par on many of those things. I'm not meeting the standards I need to be at. I'm slowly falling. And I shouldn't be caught. If I am to fall, let me make a tremendous crash. Not for the attention, not for the infamy, but because it is just and fair. If I am to fail, let everyone know.
Today was not a fun day, Blog. Today began yesterday, and hasn't ended yet. Yes, I've slept. Yes, there have been high notes. But in the long run, today hasn't been kind.
Today was long, disappointing, and didn't offer much time for myself. Today was filled with things I wanted to avoid. Today was a day that I wanted to avoid people, but today gave me plenty of people to talk to, and people to talk hours with. Today barely allowed me time to think, but when I could, all I thought about was today. Today let me feel worthless, despite evidence to the contrary. Today taunted me, but I can't antagonize today. Today might not end for a while, and I don't know how to end today. Today reminded me of things I'd care to forget. Today isn't on purpose. Today is just a day. But all it takes is one bad day.
Until tomorrow,
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Picture is from "The Killing Joke."
I've been quite busy, as of late. I've got several things to do and a short amount of time to do them. And honestly, I'm not up to par on many of those things. I'm not meeting the standards I need to be at. I'm slowly falling. And I shouldn't be caught. If I am to fall, let me make a tremendous crash. Not for the attention, not for the infamy, but because it is just and fair. If I am to fail, let everyone know.
Today was not a fun day, Blog. Today began yesterday, and hasn't ended yet. Yes, I've slept. Yes, there have been high notes. But in the long run, today hasn't been kind.
Today was long, disappointing, and didn't offer much time for myself. Today was filled with things I wanted to avoid. Today was a day that I wanted to avoid people, but today gave me plenty of people to talk to, and people to talk hours with. Today barely allowed me time to think, but when I could, all I thought about was today. Today let me feel worthless, despite evidence to the contrary. Today taunted me, but I can't antagonize today. Today might not end for a while, and I don't know how to end today. Today reminded me of things I'd care to forget. Today isn't on purpose. Today is just a day. But all it takes is one bad day.
Until tomorrow,
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Picture is from "The Killing Joke."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Mystification, Motivation, Reorientation, Extermination

Dear Blog,
These past few weeks, my moods have shifted. One day (or even part of a day), I feel like I'm awesome. So awesome, intelligent, witty and clever, attractive, and friendly that I can't help but smile and treat that day accordingly (by being awesome, etc.). Then other days (or parts of days) I feel like I'm completely worthless. I am a huge, awkward dork, I'm wrong in classes, I'm not cute, and I'm not sure people even want to talk to me. Days like those end in my silently sitting in my room, trying to accomplish a task and kicking myself when I think I'm doing it wrong.
During my interview on Monday night for Phi Sigma Pi, I felt amazing. A great group of people were asking my questions, to which I gave witty, charming, intelligent, and comprehensive answers. I had a great time and felt that I did well. But that night, I felt so down. I'd just accomplished and amazing feat of social interaction and I felt like I wanted to stay in bed and cry. Why? No idea. Maybe I'm still growing and my body is constantly in flux? If so, I wish it would normalize soon. I recognize my silly feelings when I want to lock myself in my room, yet can't change my attitude. I feel like I can't control my emotions very well. And that, of course, isn't a pleasant thought.
Blog, I need a distraction and some serious motivation. My new Halo game has helped a lot in the realm of distraction. I am focused on the game, and I don't acknowledge the worries on my mind. But I need some sort of driving force to get me to do things. I feel like I have so many obligations and commitments to tend to, and only enough power to meet half of my goals for the day. I am juggling one too many balls and I need to slow time down and regain my balance.
I hope that tomorrow will present a chance for me to hit pause, find my footing, and play on the rest of the day. I have a lot to do. I promised to do it. And I will. I just need to focus my energies into productive means. I hate to prioritize my life, but starting tomorrow, I need to focus on school and especially focus on RA commitments. If I can get school and RA duties done or at least tended to for a while, I can redirect my productivity into relationships (friendships included) and activities for Daniel (Halo/Civ5).
Well, I'm off to bed. I hope I'm not called tonight for a lock-out or anything.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Picture is unrelated (I might add picture to every blog now, copying Victoria's style) and title of blog (Mystification, Motivation, Reorientation, Extermination) is related, except for the last word. Just reminds me of Daleks from Doctor Who.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Growing Up to Be Winston Churchill
Dear Blog,
I was productive today. B on my Spanish test and my PSY 315 test pushed back. I made signs for my bathroom, huge bulletin board-esque academic display (help from Victoria), butcher block publicity for Find Yourself! and Toy Story 3, and plenty of Find Yourself! flyers. My room has been cleaned up a bit and I'm ready for my PSY 441 test tomorrow. I still have a paper to write for ENG 315, but I have time after ENG 362 to accomplish that. I also spent time with Victoria and had lunch with her, talked to Sarah and Nikki, and spent plenty of time talking to Ashleigh while she was at the front desk. I learned about bedbugs at in-service, had a quick staff meeting while wearing tie-die shirts Nikki made, wore my Public Affairs Week shirt most of the day, and woke up on time thanks to quick thinking on my part.
Sad news is that my mom isn't feeling well at all. Something might be wrong with her colon, she said. So bad that she called Linda to leave school and drive her to the hospital. I hope nothing serious has occurred. Dad should be home tomorrow, so he'll be able to take care of her.
Having purchased Halo Reach yesterday, I have still yet to play it. I promised myself that if I obtained a satisfactory grade on my SPN 102 test, I could play it. And a B is perfect, but my time constraints have forced me to simply admire the case for now. Perhaps this weekend will yield some gaming time. I need to practice before challenging any residents to a battle of Halo skills.
Yesterday, I also bought the new Brandon Flowers CD for Victoria. She was, of course, ecstatic when I showed it to her, having gotten the deluxe edition. After handing it to her, I stayed with her and Sarah as they donated blood to the Community Blood Center of the Ozark. Victoria was quite brave as she was poked and she quickly filled up her blood pouch. Afterwards, Victoria, Sarah, another Kentwood desk worker, and myself ate dinner in the PSU. I had a very nice toasted turkey and swiss on ciabata sandwich. I hope to eat at Blimpie's in the near future and order that sandwich again. Sarah and Victoria went to an informational meeting for a service sorority afterwards and I went to a Phi Sigma Pi (PSP) rush event.
The PSP Fun Interview Night was interesting. Very loud, I strained my voice, but had a lot of fun. The questions were zany and unusual in some instances, and I learned a bit about myself, much about the organization, and plenty about the people there. And by people, I mainly mean girls. So many girls are part of this organization! I think I counted three guys aside from myself at this meeting. I was both in awe and terrified of the situation. Girls are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I've had these odds moods lately in which all girls are simply beyond my understanding and I become nervous and awkward. I read people well, so when all of a sudden I can't tell, even remotely, what's on a girl's mind, I revert back to awkward, geeky Daniel and avoid girls at all costs. Hopefully this phase will pass soon and I can enjoy the company of good people and future friends.
Well, I imagine now would be a good time to head to bed and hope for a passing grade on my PSY 441 test. If only I could learn Psychology like Neo learned kung-fu in The Matrix.
Until next time!
-Daniel golden
Bonus Picture!
I was productive today. B on my Spanish test and my PSY 315 test pushed back. I made signs for my bathroom, huge bulletin board-esque academic display (help from Victoria), butcher block publicity for Find Yourself! and Toy Story 3, and plenty of Find Yourself! flyers. My room has been cleaned up a bit and I'm ready for my PSY 441 test tomorrow. I still have a paper to write for ENG 315, but I have time after ENG 362 to accomplish that. I also spent time with Victoria and had lunch with her, talked to Sarah and Nikki, and spent plenty of time talking to Ashleigh while she was at the front desk. I learned about bedbugs at in-service, had a quick staff meeting while wearing tie-die shirts Nikki made, wore my Public Affairs Week shirt most of the day, and woke up on time thanks to quick thinking on my part.
Sad news is that my mom isn't feeling well at all. Something might be wrong with her colon, she said. So bad that she called Linda to leave school and drive her to the hospital. I hope nothing serious has occurred. Dad should be home tomorrow, so he'll be able to take care of her.
Having purchased Halo Reach yesterday, I have still yet to play it. I promised myself that if I obtained a satisfactory grade on my SPN 102 test, I could play it. And a B is perfect, but my time constraints have forced me to simply admire the case for now. Perhaps this weekend will yield some gaming time. I need to practice before challenging any residents to a battle of Halo skills.
Yesterday, I also bought the new Brandon Flowers CD for Victoria. She was, of course, ecstatic when I showed it to her, having gotten the deluxe edition. After handing it to her, I stayed with her and Sarah as they donated blood to the Community Blood Center of the Ozark. Victoria was quite brave as she was poked and she quickly filled up her blood pouch. Afterwards, Victoria, Sarah, another Kentwood desk worker, and myself ate dinner in the PSU. I had a very nice toasted turkey and swiss on ciabata sandwich. I hope to eat at Blimpie's in the near future and order that sandwich again. Sarah and Victoria went to an informational meeting for a service sorority afterwards and I went to a Phi Sigma Pi (PSP) rush event.
The PSP Fun Interview Night was interesting. Very loud, I strained my voice, but had a lot of fun. The questions were zany and unusual in some instances, and I learned a bit about myself, much about the organization, and plenty about the people there. And by people, I mainly mean girls. So many girls are part of this organization! I think I counted three guys aside from myself at this meeting. I was both in awe and terrified of the situation. Girls are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I've had these odds moods lately in which all girls are simply beyond my understanding and I become nervous and awkward. I read people well, so when all of a sudden I can't tell, even remotely, what's on a girl's mind, I revert back to awkward, geeky Daniel and avoid girls at all costs. Hopefully this phase will pass soon and I can enjoy the company of good people and future friends.
Well, I imagine now would be a good time to head to bed and hope for a passing grade on my PSY 441 test. If only I could learn Psychology like Neo learned kung-fu in The Matrix.
Until next time!
-Daniel golden
Bonus Picture!

Friday, September 10, 2010
Dear Blog,
I'm not writing as much as I would like to. I lack the inspiration to write much. Nothing is compelling me to write. It sounds sad because it is. I want to write tons upon tons of stuff, but I lack the drive to. I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully this is just a sort of writing funk that I'm in.
If I had something intriguing, introspective, or interesting, I'd immediately log onto Blogger and type to my heart's content. But I haven't had the spark of imagination that would allow me to elaborate on a subject. Any subject. I simply stare at the blank screen now. I wish I something to discuss before heading off to PSY 315.
I could talk about my classes (going well, slightly annoyed by ENG 315, interested in Psychology more than English this semester, Spanish test on Monday), my work (new floor decorations in the planning stages, open door contest going well, just started the Study Buck program, duty this weekend), my friends (Nikki's new relationship, enjoying the company of each member of Woods staff, Sarah and my lack of texting), my girlfriend (her crying due to boredom, her gentle and loving touch, watching Pokemon and Doctor Who), my sonic screwdriver (exciting new addition to my geeky arsenal), my new shirts (Big Bang Theory Bazinga and KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK PENNY, Dalek Exterminate, and House related), my new room arrangement (far more opening and practical, option of watching Dallas Cowboys game on Sunday), my plans (poster placements in planning phase, dressing up nice for Victoria, rushing Phi Sigma Pi), my homework (story writing and reading). But I don't want to sound so self-centered, only talking about what I do/have done/want to do.
This entry reminds me a poem I wrote a while back.
Daniel Golden
Digital Garden
I stare down the ten-watt lamp
over my desk, thinking of what to write.
Shaking my head to break my idle gaze,
I wonder if my muse will arrive.
The LCD monitor in front of
me is a blank background,
a white void of potential
that calls for my creative words
to establish roots and prosper
into a new colony of ideas.
The lone cursor blinks in the void,
awaiting input, a sapling awaiting rain,
begging nourishment every other second.
I finally type, the clicks
reverberating in my barren room,
with every key planting seeds onscreen.
The letters spell out my predicament
as I soon realize my muse isn’t coming
and I have no poem.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I'm not writing as much as I would like to. I lack the inspiration to write much. Nothing is compelling me to write. It sounds sad because it is. I want to write tons upon tons of stuff, but I lack the drive to. I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully this is just a sort of writing funk that I'm in.
If I had something intriguing, introspective, or interesting, I'd immediately log onto Blogger and type to my heart's content. But I haven't had the spark of imagination that would allow me to elaborate on a subject. Any subject. I simply stare at the blank screen now. I wish I something to discuss before heading off to PSY 315.
I could talk about my classes (going well, slightly annoyed by ENG 315, interested in Psychology more than English this semester, Spanish test on Monday), my work (new floor decorations in the planning stages, open door contest going well, just started the Study Buck program, duty this weekend), my friends (Nikki's new relationship, enjoying the company of each member of Woods staff, Sarah and my lack of texting), my girlfriend (her crying due to boredom, her gentle and loving touch, watching Pokemon and Doctor Who), my sonic screwdriver (exciting new addition to my geeky arsenal), my new shirts (Big Bang Theory Bazinga and KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK PENNY, Dalek Exterminate, and House related), my new room arrangement (far more opening and practical, option of watching Dallas Cowboys game on Sunday), my plans (poster placements in planning phase, dressing up nice for Victoria, rushing Phi Sigma Pi), my homework (story writing and reading). But I don't want to sound so self-centered, only talking about what I do/have done/want to do.
This entry reminds me a poem I wrote a while back.
Daniel Golden
Digital Garden
I stare down the ten-watt lamp
over my desk, thinking of what to write.
Shaking my head to break my idle gaze,
I wonder if my muse will arrive.
The LCD monitor in front of
me is a blank background,
a white void of potential
that calls for my creative words
to establish roots and prosper
into a new colony of ideas.
The lone cursor blinks in the void,
awaiting input, a sapling awaiting rain,
begging nourishment every other second.
I finally type, the clicks
reverberating in my barren room,
with every key planting seeds onscreen.
The letters spell out my predicament
as I soon realize my muse isn’t coming
and I have no poem.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I'm Not Dead Yet
Dear Blog,
I haven't written to you very much, and I apologize for that. Alas, this is yet another short entry.
I ordered the sonic screwdriver today and I am excited. I can't wait for it to get here. I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I haven't written to you very much, and I apologize for that. Alas, this is yet another short entry.
I ordered the sonic screwdriver today and I am excited. I can't wait for it to get here. I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Desk Doldrums
Dear Blog,
I can already tell that this 8 hour desk shift is going to be boring. But alas, I will work! I have some classic Doctor Who to watch (Tom Baker FTW!) and my laptop at the ready.
Last night with Victoria was fun. We were both tired after work, but managed to walk around, see a movie, and hang out with friends. Today is actually our five month anniversary, but yesterday was our date, since I'm working 4-midnight and a candle-lit dinner by the front desk of Woods House isn't exactly feasible.
I've been having fun looking at this webcam. It watches over the construction of the new MSU Recreation Center.
Fun to check out the weather and whatnot.
That's about all I have to say for now.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I can already tell that this 8 hour desk shift is going to be boring. But alas, I will work! I have some classic Doctor Who to watch (Tom Baker FTW!) and my laptop at the ready.
Last night with Victoria was fun. We were both tired after work, but managed to walk around, see a movie, and hang out with friends. Today is actually our five month anniversary, but yesterday was our date, since I'm working 4-midnight and a candle-lit dinner by the front desk of Woods House isn't exactly feasible.
I've been having fun looking at this webcam. It watches over the construction of the new MSU Recreation Center.
Fun to check out the weather and whatnot.
That's about all I have to say for now.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Vacation Truncation
Dear Blog,
I'd like to apologize to you. Evidently, you've been written by a moron for the past few days, if not longer. Not your fault, don't worry. It's me. And here's how I know: I can't remember when I work.
It happened first on Thursday. After writing it in my planner, I still failed to realize that I was on duty on Thursday. On duty and still had a desk shift to work. So 10-15 minutes before the shift, I called around, becoming the RA I've wanted to avoid. Finally finding someone, I was slightly relieved. In addition to the lapse in memory (just the first one, mind you), I was ill during the day, missed my classes, had a tornado situation, and cause for Officer Henning to follow Ashleigh and myself on rounds. 2am rounds and an 8:35am class.
Then I went home on Friday, thinking I had a nice Labor Day weekend in which I could relax. Wrong again, Daniel. I was called by the desk at 8:10am, since I was supposed to work 8am-4pm today. I showered, quickly packed everything, finished the laundry that I could, and got here by noon. Thankfully Nikki was able to work 8-12. But alas, upon returning, I was teased for a bit. Did I deserve it? Yeah. Did I make people smile and laugh? Yeah. Did I enjoy it? Not as much as I normally would. You know, like if I didn't feel like a horrible friend, horrible RA, or horrible boyfriend.
In other news, my room is slightly cleaner now. I have one miniature poster on my wall. One poster now, and the rest will soon be up. And maybe I will set up my TV, too. Maybe not. Depends on my mood when I get off work. And if I can think properly. I kind of just want to go to bed for the rest of the weekend.
But now, to cheer myself up, I will now order some shirts from ThinkGeek and possibly a sonic screwdriver. Maybe I'll read some magazines, browse game sites, or just stare out the windows.
I'll talk to myself. Why not? I'll ignore people if they make fun. I know I'm weird at times. I'll just think to myself "they're jealous that I can fit social norms when I must and disregard those same rules at will." How true is that? Probably not at all. But the truth hurts, no?
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I'd like to apologize to you. Evidently, you've been written by a moron for the past few days, if not longer. Not your fault, don't worry. It's me. And here's how I know: I can't remember when I work.
It happened first on Thursday. After writing it in my planner, I still failed to realize that I was on duty on Thursday. On duty and still had a desk shift to work. So 10-15 minutes before the shift, I called around, becoming the RA I've wanted to avoid. Finally finding someone, I was slightly relieved. In addition to the lapse in memory (just the first one, mind you), I was ill during the day, missed my classes, had a tornado situation, and cause for Officer Henning to follow Ashleigh and myself on rounds. 2am rounds and an 8:35am class.
Then I went home on Friday, thinking I had a nice Labor Day weekend in which I could relax. Wrong again, Daniel. I was called by the desk at 8:10am, since I was supposed to work 8am-4pm today. I showered, quickly packed everything, finished the laundry that I could, and got here by noon. Thankfully Nikki was able to work 8-12. But alas, upon returning, I was teased for a bit. Did I deserve it? Yeah. Did I make people smile and laugh? Yeah. Did I enjoy it? Not as much as I normally would. You know, like if I didn't feel like a horrible friend, horrible RA, or horrible boyfriend.
In other news, my room is slightly cleaner now. I have one miniature poster on my wall. One poster now, and the rest will soon be up. And maybe I will set up my TV, too. Maybe not. Depends on my mood when I get off work. And if I can think properly. I kind of just want to go to bed for the rest of the weekend.
But now, to cheer myself up, I will now order some shirts from ThinkGeek and possibly a sonic screwdriver. Maybe I'll read some magazines, browse game sites, or just stare out the windows.
I'll talk to myself. Why not? I'll ignore people if they make fun. I know I'm weird at times. I'll just think to myself "they're jealous that I can fit social norms when I must and disregard those same rules at will." How true is that? Probably not at all. But the truth hurts, no?
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Iron Giant
Dear Blog,
I have to read Part 1 of "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. I opted to watch The Iron Giant, instead. The movie was dozens of times better than what I remember it being. But I still need to read this before class tomorrow, so this blog will be short.
Today consisted of Spanish, Psychology, laundry, shower, Publisher, staff meeting, house calls, Walmart, The Iron Giant, and homework.
Concise, though not elaborate. I'm sorry, Blog. Perhaps tomorrow will yield a more interesting blog.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I have to read Part 1 of "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. I opted to watch The Iron Giant, instead. The movie was dozens of times better than what I remember it being. But I still need to read this before class tomorrow, so this blog will be short.
Today consisted of Spanish, Psychology, laundry, shower, Publisher, staff meeting, house calls, Walmart, The Iron Giant, and homework.
Concise, though not elaborate. I'm sorry, Blog. Perhaps tomorrow will yield a more interesting blog.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Monday, August 30, 2010
To Cure a Funk, Please Visit with the Doctor
Dear Blog,
I'm not entirely sure whats up with my brain together. I've been awake far earlier than usually, yet I haven't really done anything and it's now two in the afternoon. Spanish 102, History and Systems of Psychology, and my 1:1 with Aleigha. Other than that, not much else, really.
Well, not entirely true. I helped review a poem written by a resident, provided a screwdriver to another, and bought a cool MSU folder for IDS 275 (RA class). I still have IDS 275 to go to, 32 Minutes meeting tonight, and homework to do, but I still feel like today has been a dream. And not in the fanciful way, but in the hard-to-grasp-reality way. I witness things, yet I don't comprehend them in a way.
I've kind of lost myself in my own thoughts now.
My remedy for this is to act like the Doctor. 11th Doctor if I can, maybe 10th. Let's hope I can pull this off (and that it pulls me out of this odd funk).
I need a sonic screwdriver.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I'm not entirely sure whats up with my brain together. I've been awake far earlier than usually, yet I haven't really done anything and it's now two in the afternoon. Spanish 102, History and Systems of Psychology, and my 1:1 with Aleigha. Other than that, not much else, really.
Well, not entirely true. I helped review a poem written by a resident, provided a screwdriver to another, and bought a cool MSU folder for IDS 275 (RA class). I still have IDS 275 to go to, 32 Minutes meeting tonight, and homework to do, but I still feel like today has been a dream. And not in the fanciful way, but in the hard-to-grasp-reality way. I witness things, yet I don't comprehend them in a way.
I've kind of lost myself in my own thoughts now.
My remedy for this is to act like the Doctor. 11th Doctor if I can, maybe 10th. Let's hope I can pull this off (and that it pulls me out of this odd funk).
I need a sonic screwdriver.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Odor of Stale Nachos
Dear Blog,
My day consisted of Spanish 102, History and Systems of Psychology, nap with Victoria, voicemail frustrations, package from home with my Spanish book, Smores 'N More, SAC movie (Killers) and the acquisition of the good Doctor. Here's a poem I wrote instead of eating lunch.
The Odor of Stale Nachos
by Daniel Golden
The time is 10:32 and the
faded peach-colored
hallway carpet supports
the bare feet of freshman
treading to community showers.
One by one, covered in sweat
from August air,
Beach volleyball sand between
untreated toes,
Standard issue blue towels
barely around their waists,
They talk about the lousy football team
and all types of girls they’ve seen.
Laughing loudly,
ignoring the dorm policies
posted to cinderblock walls
with orange flyers,
instead honing in on the Sigma Nu social,
Theta Chi BBQ,
DJs from Sigma Phi Epsilon,
and wicked Root Beer Fest at the Pi Kappa Phi house.
Loyalty, honor, trust,
scholarship, respect, and service
mean little tonight to these men.
Beyond the last Cardinals game or Call of Duty match,
things rarely mean much.
Unaware of the off-campus world,
the showers start, water falls onto backs and faces.
As Top 40 hits echo in every shower stall,
the stress of rushes washes off,
fear of rejection ejects,
the camaraderie formed
in that hallway line
that none of them will ever know
binds them together while
they each feel lonely.
My day consisted of Spanish 102, History and Systems of Psychology, nap with Victoria, voicemail frustrations, package from home with my Spanish book, Smores 'N More, SAC movie (Killers) and the acquisition of the good Doctor. Here's a poem I wrote instead of eating lunch.
The Odor of Stale Nachos
by Daniel Golden
The time is 10:32 and the
faded peach-colored
hallway carpet supports
the bare feet of freshman
treading to community showers.
One by one, covered in sweat
from August air,
Beach volleyball sand between
untreated toes,
Standard issue blue towels
barely around their waists,
They talk about the lousy football team
and all types of girls they’ve seen.
Laughing loudly,
ignoring the dorm policies
posted to cinderblock walls
with orange flyers,
instead honing in on the Sigma Nu social,
Theta Chi BBQ,
DJs from Sigma Phi Epsilon,
and wicked Root Beer Fest at the Pi Kappa Phi house.
Loyalty, honor, trust,
scholarship, respect, and service
mean little tonight to these men.
Beyond the last Cardinals game or Call of Duty match,
things rarely mean much.
Unaware of the off-campus world,
the showers start, water falls onto backs and faces.
As Top 40 hits echo in every shower stall,
the stress of rushes washes off,
fear of rejection ejects,
the camaraderie formed
in that hallway line
that none of them will ever know
binds them together while
they each feel lonely.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Turntable Tuesday
Dear Blog,
Today I went to PSY 441, Psychology of Adolescence. The professor seems like someone who knows what they're talking about, and someone I feel that I can approach whenever I have concerns. Then following PSY 441, I went to ENG 362, Non-European World Literature (Postcolonial Literature: The Empire Writes Back), and then to ENG 315, Creative Writing: Fiction II at 2:00. Non-European World Literature seems like it won't be a challenge if I simply read the material and start on the essay soon. Same for PSY 441 (heck, sounds like I can simply listen in class and be fine). And ENG 315 seems like if I schedule my time wisely, no big issues should arise.
Yesterday, I went to PSY 315, History and Systems of Psychology. Dr. Williams teaches this course, and taught my Experimental Psychology class over the summer (side note: John Penick, who was in Experimental Psychology, if also in both PSY 441 and PSY 315 this semester). The class is reminiscent of a standard history class, so I don't think I have much to worry about. SPN 102, on the other hand, might prove to be more difficult than I previously thought. I remember the basic of Spanish, but she seemed to expect much more from students. Perhaps it won't be too bad, but I am still quiet nervous. And I haven't started IDS 275 yet, but I really hope it's not an intense class.
I bought a poster of Spock and poster House, M.D. today. I opted not to buy the one of Yoda, since I already have three other Star Wars posters here at school. But I felt that Star Trek needed to be represented, along with House. Maybe I get an Einstein poster, too, if I find one I like.
Plans for today include trying to do laundry, hanging posters, cleaning up my room, and rearranging my bed. Of course, homework will fall into place in the spaces between other activities, as it usually does.
Grocery Bingo Bash had a huge turnout, so I was excited about that. The bingo set used had two sets of bingo balls in the cage, so I called out numbers over and over. The commentary from the residents wasn't too bad, but it did get old, especially after I clarified the issue and the comments kept coming. And what was meant to be remarks to one or two people became heard throughout the lobby, since we set up the speakers and microphone so people could clearly hear the numbers. C'est la vie. I'll just opt out of public speaking positions for a while.
Slide N' Glide tonight. My chance to dance? Probably not. Hall Council info session, too. That'll be exciting. Well, I should start doing something constructive.
The ages of men proceed as bronze, then silver, gold, and ending with silicon. The ages of machines start with silicon.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Today I went to PSY 441, Psychology of Adolescence. The professor seems like someone who knows what they're talking about, and someone I feel that I can approach whenever I have concerns. Then following PSY 441, I went to ENG 362, Non-European World Literature (Postcolonial Literature: The Empire Writes Back), and then to ENG 315, Creative Writing: Fiction II at 2:00. Non-European World Literature seems like it won't be a challenge if I simply read the material and start on the essay soon. Same for PSY 441 (heck, sounds like I can simply listen in class and be fine). And ENG 315 seems like if I schedule my time wisely, no big issues should arise.
Yesterday, I went to PSY 315, History and Systems of Psychology. Dr. Williams teaches this course, and taught my Experimental Psychology class over the summer (side note: John Penick, who was in Experimental Psychology, if also in both PSY 441 and PSY 315 this semester). The class is reminiscent of a standard history class, so I don't think I have much to worry about. SPN 102, on the other hand, might prove to be more difficult than I previously thought. I remember the basic of Spanish, but she seemed to expect much more from students. Perhaps it won't be too bad, but I am still quiet nervous. And I haven't started IDS 275 yet, but I really hope it's not an intense class.
I bought a poster of Spock and poster House, M.D. today. I opted not to buy the one of Yoda, since I already have three other Star Wars posters here at school. But I felt that Star Trek needed to be represented, along with House. Maybe I get an Einstein poster, too, if I find one I like.
Plans for today include trying to do laundry, hanging posters, cleaning up my room, and rearranging my bed. Of course, homework will fall into place in the spaces between other activities, as it usually does.
Grocery Bingo Bash had a huge turnout, so I was excited about that. The bingo set used had two sets of bingo balls in the cage, so I called out numbers over and over. The commentary from the residents wasn't too bad, but it did get old, especially after I clarified the issue and the comments kept coming. And what was meant to be remarks to one or two people became heard throughout the lobby, since we set up the speakers and microphone so people could clearly hear the numbers. C'est la vie. I'll just opt out of public speaking positions for a while.
Slide N' Glide tonight. My chance to dance? Probably not. Hall Council info session, too. That'll be exciting. Well, I should start doing something constructive.
The ages of men proceed as bronze, then silver, gold, and ending with silicon. The ages of machines start with silicon.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Past Daniel
Dear Blog,
Do you mind if I give another shout-out to a friend? Namely, myself?
Dear Past Daniel (the Daniel who wrote a blog on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, to be precise),
Thanks for that note. It was concise and had a touch of poetry. I liked it. It helped me out today. I know how you felt when you wrote that, and you were wise to jot it down for me. I would go into more detail, but I have other engagements and commitments to tend to.
About 20 minutes from now I'll head downstairs to prepare for the Woods Weenie Woast (the Ws are wequired). After that program, my first floor meeting. Then tomorrow, at 8:35 in the morning, my first class of the fall semester. What was I thinking? Let's hope I can get up in time for my classes. Then that night, Ashleigh and I are having our Grocery Bingo Bash. The fun never stops.
Best of luck to you, Past Daniel. Your days will be challenges, for sure, but I'm proof you'll make it out alive. But bear in mind, life is just your physical state of being. Your mind, your heart, your essence will be altered. Not much, but enough to reevaluate, reconsider, reorganize, and, hopefully, rejuvenate your way of living that life you still have.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Do you mind if I give another shout-out to a friend? Namely, myself?
Dear Past Daniel (the Daniel who wrote a blog on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, to be precise),
Thanks for that note. It was concise and had a touch of poetry. I liked it. It helped me out today. I know how you felt when you wrote that, and you were wise to jot it down for me. I would go into more detail, but I have other engagements and commitments to tend to.
About 20 minutes from now I'll head downstairs to prepare for the Woods Weenie Woast (the Ws are wequired). After that program, my first floor meeting. Then tomorrow, at 8:35 in the morning, my first class of the fall semester. What was I thinking? Let's hope I can get up in time for my classes. Then that night, Ashleigh and I are having our Grocery Bingo Bash. The fun never stops.
Best of luck to you, Past Daniel. Your days will be challenges, for sure, but I'm proof you'll make it out alive. But bear in mind, life is just your physical state of being. Your mind, your heart, your essence will be altered. Not much, but enough to reevaluate, reconsider, reorganize, and, hopefully, rejuvenate your way of living that life you still have.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dear Blog,
I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to myself this time, if I may.
Remember why you do what you do.
Remember your passion, your enthusiasm, the good times.
Remember your responsibility, your impact, your potential.
Remember the lessons learned from challenges.
Remember your tentative long-term goals, your short-term goals, your immediate tasks at hand.
Remember in all things, good can be found.
Forget the little stressors, forgive little annoyances.
"Pack up you troubles in your old kit-bag/
And smile, smile, smile"
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Don't go a day without laughing. I found it hard to poetically include this point in my blog, but it's still vitally important!
I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to myself this time, if I may.
Remember why you do what you do.
Remember your passion, your enthusiasm, the good times.
Remember your responsibility, your impact, your potential.
Remember the lessons learned from challenges.
Remember your tentative long-term goals, your short-term goals, your immediate tasks at hand.
Remember in all things, good can be found.
Forget the little stressors, forgive little annoyances.
"Pack up you troubles in your old kit-bag/
And smile, smile, smile"
-Daniel Golden
P.S. Don't go a day without laughing. I found it hard to poetically include this point in my blog, but it's still vitally important!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Dear Blog,
I am not neglecting you. I have simply been busy. Honestly! One day I might relay all the things that I've done, but there isn't time to do that now. Lots of RA training to go through, planning to plan, concepts and ideas to think through. I would have liked one day of training to be dedicated to nothing but decorations. But alas, that is not what has been set forth.
I will leave you now, knowing that you are still in my thoughts, dear Blog. I will try hard to visit you again soon, but training, then move-in, then classes may prevent that from happening. Please understand.
If it makes you feel any better, just log into Netflix and watch some Doctor Who episodes. Those make me feel better at least.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I am not neglecting you. I have simply been busy. Honestly! One day I might relay all the things that I've done, but there isn't time to do that now. Lots of RA training to go through, planning to plan, concepts and ideas to think through. I would have liked one day of training to be dedicated to nothing but decorations. But alas, that is not what has been set forth.
I will leave you now, knowing that you are still in my thoughts, dear Blog. I will try hard to visit you again soon, but training, then move-in, then classes may prevent that from happening. Please understand.
If it makes you feel any better, just log into Netflix and watch some Doctor Who episodes. Those make me feel better at least.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Bow Ties are Cool
Dear Blog,
You can't deny that bow ties are cool. Well, they are now. Once the Doctor started wearing one, my opinion has changed. Well, I didn't have much of an opinion beforehand, but now I do. So yes, Dr. Cofer, new President of Missouri State University, you have earned cool points thanks to the Eleventh Doctor.
Aside from a renewed Doctor Who focus thanks to both Charlie McDonnell's latest video/song (don't watch if you haven't seen the final episode of Season 5; unless you don't care about spoilers, then go ahead) and being in Springfield and having a chance to give a Doctor Who related gift to Bethany, not much to report. I'm here in my Woods room, ready for the RA training that starts tomorrow. My room is about 80% ready. Less than 48 hours in a place and I've managed to make it my own through my inability to be properly organized. Well, I have a few things scattered around, but that will soon be cleaned up. Tons of space to store my random stuff.
If I get approval from Victoria, I want to take a couple of days to act like both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. Catchphrases, speak patterns, bow tie, fez, glasses, the works. It would be so much fun, although it'd confuse my residents. I'd have to plan accordingly.
I need to make decorations. I'm behind and we haven't even started. A talent, to be sure. If only I could harness my poor planning and reverse it's polarity, thereby creating a talent not bound to procrastination, but bound to preemptive measures in all walks of my life (see? easy to be the Doctor).
As I sit at my desk here in my AC comfy room, I can see someone in front of Hutchens House, repainting the black chain barrier the surrounds the building's front lawn. Horribly hot day, little cover from the sun, and black paint. That seems like a boring and uncomfortable job. Yet he might get paid more than me when I work the front desk. Odd observation? Yes, but it makes me glad to have my job (I'm not saying I'm better than him, I just know I wouldn't want to do that).
I downloaded the new Taylor Swift single to my iPhone. Do I love it? Yes! Very good song that makes me feel like her next album will be fantastic. I can't wait!
I am now hungry, so I will seek out a snack and them continue to think about cleaning my room.
If a god could control people, would he?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
You can't deny that bow ties are cool. Well, they are now. Once the Doctor started wearing one, my opinion has changed. Well, I didn't have much of an opinion beforehand, but now I do. So yes, Dr. Cofer, new President of Missouri State University, you have earned cool points thanks to the Eleventh Doctor.
Aside from a renewed Doctor Who focus thanks to both Charlie McDonnell's latest video/song (don't watch if you haven't seen the final episode of Season 5; unless you don't care about spoilers, then go ahead) and being in Springfield and having a chance to give a Doctor Who related gift to Bethany, not much to report. I'm here in my Woods room, ready for the RA training that starts tomorrow. My room is about 80% ready. Less than 48 hours in a place and I've managed to make it my own through my inability to be properly organized. Well, I have a few things scattered around, but that will soon be cleaned up. Tons of space to store my random stuff.
If I get approval from Victoria, I want to take a couple of days to act like both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor. Catchphrases, speak patterns, bow tie, fez, glasses, the works. It would be so much fun, although it'd confuse my residents. I'd have to plan accordingly.
I need to make decorations. I'm behind and we haven't even started. A talent, to be sure. If only I could harness my poor planning and reverse it's polarity, thereby creating a talent not bound to procrastination, but bound to preemptive measures in all walks of my life (see? easy to be the Doctor).
As I sit at my desk here in my AC comfy room, I can see someone in front of Hutchens House, repainting the black chain barrier the surrounds the building's front lawn. Horribly hot day, little cover from the sun, and black paint. That seems like a boring and uncomfortable job. Yet he might get paid more than me when I work the front desk. Odd observation? Yes, but it makes me glad to have my job (I'm not saying I'm better than him, I just know I wouldn't want to do that).
I downloaded the new Taylor Swift single to my iPhone. Do I love it? Yes! Very good song that makes me feel like her next album will be fantastic. I can't wait!
I am now hungry, so I will seek out a snack and them continue to think about cleaning my room.
If a god could control people, would he?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Disney Channel and Me
Dear Blog,
Well, you missed it. I didn't mean to not tell you blog, but life had other obligations. You see, summer school is over, my role as an RA is done for the summer, too, and I went to Six Flags. I'll give you a summary of events, but you really should pay more attention, Blog.
I got an A in Classical Mythology and a B in Experimental Psychology. I can't complain with those scores at all.
Checkouts went reasonably well on my floor. I wish I hadn't had a test on Friday morning, because everyone else had to tend to the Korean-Daegu students leaving en masse.
Victoria wrote a nice summary of our trip to Six Flags, so here it is (since I'm a tad lazy tonight):
"Anyways, learned a lesson at Six Flags today. Don't wear hats on roller coasters...they fall off. [Daniel note: we lost our hats on the Evel Knievel ride; my Smithsonian Institution and Italia hats were gone with the wind] I still feel bad about it. Gonna go back later this week to see if they found them, but I don't know if they give it to me since Daniel put his name on the lost and found sheet...I hope :/
Had a really good time otherwise, went on lots of rides and roller coasters all were in the front row. Went on Superman which scared me A LOT!! Also won a floppy tiger which I named Hats.
I also made sandwiches for lunch like a woman, lol. And Daniel gave me a bunch of video games to borrow for my N64 so tomorrow is declared video game day and when I get bored, I am going to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000. Lunch was fun. :D
We went to Hurricane Harbor as well and rented tubes which made the wait for rides a lot shorter. Soon though we had to leave so we met up with his sister and went home."
I'm not entirely sure how I felt about the "made sandwiches like a woman" comment. My mom would totally have made sandwiches, so I applaud Victoria in that motherly endeavor. But I don't want her to feel as though she has to make me food because she's "the woman" and I, as "the man", must have things done for me. Neither negative or positive. Just noteworthy for the time being.
Since the trip to Six Flags, I've been at home. Linda had her tonsils taken out Wednesday, and dad started feeling ill later in the day. Mom has her sinuses acting up, and I'm, well, normal for the time being. I've been playing the role of errand boy, running to Walmart to grab medicine or food, doing chores, and "being forced" to play video games (Specifically Bioshock 2) for my sister. And lots of TV. Mainly the Disney Channel during the day and Comedy Central at night. And interspersed sessions of Netflix (mainly streaming TV shows and stand-ups specials).
I wish I had a longer summer, free of obligations. I need about one more week of vacation before heading back to school. But alas, no luck for me in the regard. I can't complain, life has been good to me. But I always want what I can't have, right?
If these walls could talk, they'd be kinda boring to listen to.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Well, you missed it. I didn't mean to not tell you blog, but life had other obligations. You see, summer school is over, my role as an RA is done for the summer, too, and I went to Six Flags. I'll give you a summary of events, but you really should pay more attention, Blog.
I got an A in Classical Mythology and a B in Experimental Psychology. I can't complain with those scores at all.
Checkouts went reasonably well on my floor. I wish I hadn't had a test on Friday morning, because everyone else had to tend to the Korean-Daegu students leaving en masse.
Victoria wrote a nice summary of our trip to Six Flags, so here it is (since I'm a tad lazy tonight):
"Anyways, learned a lesson at Six Flags today. Don't wear hats on roller coasters...they fall off. [Daniel note: we lost our hats on the Evel Knievel ride; my Smithsonian Institution and Italia hats were gone with the wind] I still feel bad about it. Gonna go back later this week to see if they found them, but I don't know if they give it to me since Daniel put his name on the lost and found sheet...I hope :/
Had a really good time otherwise, went on lots of rides and roller coasters all were in the front row. Went on Superman which scared me A LOT!! Also won a floppy tiger which I named Hats.
I also made sandwiches for lunch like a woman, lol. And Daniel gave me a bunch of video games to borrow for my N64 so tomorrow is declared video game day and when I get bored, I am going to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000. Lunch was fun. :D
We went to Hurricane Harbor as well and rented tubes which made the wait for rides a lot shorter. Soon though we had to leave so we met up with his sister and went home."
I'm not entirely sure how I felt about the "made sandwiches like a woman" comment. My mom would totally have made sandwiches, so I applaud Victoria in that motherly endeavor. But I don't want her to feel as though she has to make me food because she's "the woman" and I, as "the man", must have things done for me. Neither negative or positive. Just noteworthy for the time being.
Since the trip to Six Flags, I've been at home. Linda had her tonsils taken out Wednesday, and dad started feeling ill later in the day. Mom has her sinuses acting up, and I'm, well, normal for the time being. I've been playing the role of errand boy, running to Walmart to grab medicine or food, doing chores, and "being forced" to play video games (Specifically Bioshock 2) for my sister. And lots of TV. Mainly the Disney Channel during the day and Comedy Central at night. And interspersed sessions of Netflix (mainly streaming TV shows and stand-ups specials).
I wish I had a longer summer, free of obligations. I need about one more week of vacation before heading back to school. But alas, no luck for me in the regard. I can't complain, life has been good to me. But I always want what I can't have, right?
If these walls could talk, they'd be kinda boring to listen to.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Monday, July 26, 2010
Robotic Candy
Dear Blog,
I was in error earlier today when I said that my day was already planned and dull. Instead of watching lectures like I had planned, I decided to buy some snacks from Walgreens, so that my lectures wouldn't be too boring. When I was downstairs, I checked my mail and saw that I had a card from Victoria. The card was wonderfully sweet! I loved it! She even drew a picture of the two of us that made me grin like crazy. She's fantastic!
After mail, I saw Nikki, who invited me to go to the bookstore with her. I figured a nice excursion before learning would make the lectures bearable. She tried to sell back her education books (they only bought back one for $5, and she spent hundreds). Then we went to Hammons to buy her more prints (she had already run out) and then onto Sunvilla (it should be noted that I REALLY wanted to touch the huge screen in Hammons 104, but Nikkie said I couldn't... I'm sure it had to be touch sensitive). At Sunvilla, Nikki and Bridgette planned to see Eclipse and then Nikki and I scheduled one-on-ones with David, since Carol is not working this week. After Sunvilla, we went to Walgreens and I bought snacks and candy. I might have randomly knocked on signs and danced, too.
Driving back from the store, we saw a stand. At at this stand was the most wonderful invention since the Internet. A robot that gave you candy. We parked in the Kentwood lot, met Juli and convinced her to see the robot, dropped off our purchases, and went to the robot. It was awesome! I was so excited! Then, when I saw it, I didn't make a sound. It was amazing!
When I find that corrupted data file from DARPA on my lecture CDs, I'm redesigning my android to dispense candy.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I was in error earlier today when I said that my day was already planned and dull. Instead of watching lectures like I had planned, I decided to buy some snacks from Walgreens, so that my lectures wouldn't be too boring. When I was downstairs, I checked my mail and saw that I had a card from Victoria. The card was wonderfully sweet! I loved it! She even drew a picture of the two of us that made me grin like crazy. She's fantastic!
After mail, I saw Nikki, who invited me to go to the bookstore with her. I figured a nice excursion before learning would make the lectures bearable. She tried to sell back her education books (they only bought back one for $5, and she spent hundreds). Then we went to Hammons to buy her more prints (she had already run out) and then onto Sunvilla (it should be noted that I REALLY wanted to touch the huge screen in Hammons 104, but Nikkie said I couldn't... I'm sure it had to be touch sensitive). At Sunvilla, Nikki and Bridgette planned to see Eclipse and then Nikki and I scheduled one-on-ones with David, since Carol is not working this week. After Sunvilla, we went to Walgreens and I bought snacks and candy. I might have randomly knocked on signs and danced, too.
Driving back from the store, we saw a stand. At at this stand was the most wonderful invention since the Internet. A robot that gave you candy. We parked in the Kentwood lot, met Juli and convinced her to see the robot, dropped off our purchases, and went to the robot. It was awesome! I was so excited! Then, when I saw it, I didn't make a sound. It was amazing!
When I find that corrupted data file from DARPA on my lecture CDs, I'm redesigning my android to dispense candy.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Santa vs. Satan
Dear Blog,
Half-way update! Since it's about noon, this is an unprecedented blog for me. I figured I can remark on my day now, since I'm reasonably sure my lectures won't change enough to remark on them. Although now that I've said that, the final lecture will be a corrupted Department of Defense data file (specifically from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) providing the specifications for the construction of a reasonably priced android.
Right now, I'm eating lunch and watching a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode making fun of the movie "Santa Claus", which is a Mexican made film pitting Santa Claus (and alien) against the Devil. This has to be a great film, no?
Only seven lectures to go! Let's hope I can watch at least three today after lunch. I like this class, but I'm getting bored of it now. Hard to focus after two and a half hours of Theseus, Thetis, Thebes, Thespus, and Thebes. Great professor, but I kind of want to stop now and just wing the test. It's be much easier.
Sometime tonight I will also write a paper for Experimental Psychology. And when I say "write a paper", I mean "fill in the provided blanks and elaborate on my individual results". Another assignment that I wish I could skip. It's not hard, I'm just lazy today, I guess.
Perhaps I'll even get around to playing Mass Effect 2 or Limbo tonight. And maybe I can read some comics? I'm excited!
This is still a short blog, but better than the last one, eh?
When zombies eat, do they count the calories that you counted?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Half-way update! Since it's about noon, this is an unprecedented blog for me. I figured I can remark on my day now, since I'm reasonably sure my lectures won't change enough to remark on them. Although now that I've said that, the final lecture will be a corrupted Department of Defense data file (specifically from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) providing the specifications for the construction of a reasonably priced android.
Right now, I'm eating lunch and watching a Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode making fun of the movie "Santa Claus", which is a Mexican made film pitting Santa Claus (and alien) against the Devil. This has to be a great film, no?
Only seven lectures to go! Let's hope I can watch at least three today after lunch. I like this class, but I'm getting bored of it now. Hard to focus after two and a half hours of Theseus, Thetis, Thebes, Thespus, and Thebes. Great professor, but I kind of want to stop now and just wing the test. It's be much easier.
Sometime tonight I will also write a paper for Experimental Psychology. And when I say "write a paper", I mean "fill in the provided blanks and elaborate on my individual results". Another assignment that I wish I could skip. It's not hard, I'm just lazy today, I guess.
Perhaps I'll even get around to playing Mass Effect 2 or Limbo tonight. And maybe I can read some comics? I'm excited!
This is still a short blog, but better than the last one, eh?
When zombies eat, do they count the calories that you counted?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Delayed Blog Yet Again
Dear Blog,
I'm sorry that I haven't written a blog entry. Five days is quite a long time to go without a blog. Perhaps my entires will become more regular in the academic year? Let's hope so.
Aside from working the front desk, being on duty, and classes, nothing major has happened. My family came done to help carry half of my stuff back home so my trip wouldn't be as hard. We went to the mall and then ate at Red Lobster. It was nice to see them. My parents are quite awesome.
I'm not really motivated to update my blog right now, plus I have lectures to finish up before my test on Wednesday. Let's hope that I can add more later today or tomorrow.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
I'm sorry that I haven't written a blog entry. Five days is quite a long time to go without a blog. Perhaps my entires will become more regular in the academic year? Let's hope so.
Aside from working the front desk, being on duty, and classes, nothing major has happened. My family came done to help carry half of my stuff back home so my trip wouldn't be as hard. We went to the mall and then ate at Red Lobster. It was nice to see them. My parents are quite awesome.
I'm not really motivated to update my blog right now, plus I have lectures to finish up before my test on Wednesday. Let's hope that I can add more later today or tomorrow.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
An Overdue Blog or How I've Lacked Motivation over the Past Week to Accomplish Any Personal Goals
Dear Blog,
It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry. I just haven't been in the blogging mindset this past week or so. I had weekend duty again, which made me a zombie RA, walking through the motions and not really focusing on reality while working. I can't complain with this job (I work in an air conditioned building, food is provided, a nice bed, nobody is shooting me), but it can get boring at time. And then hectic.
It's hard for me to focus on the blog. The "New Post" window has been open for several hours now. I'm not sure what I want to write about. I bought The Complete Lego Star Wars Saga for the Wii for Victoria, so that she can have something to do until school starts... and I might possibly play it when she moves back here for college (lightsaber sounds effects in the Wiimote!). I also bought Mass Effect 2 on sale from Gamestop (and after a slight mishap, I now have the single-use access code for special features). On a side not, my Xbox 360 is acting up by not detecting my Ethernet cord. I am annoyed by this a tad, but it still works otherwise.
Tomorrow, I hope I am able to watch several Mythology lectures. I need to catch up on my lectures, and since I have nothing planned, that would be an opportune time to do so.
I'm hungry again. I've been hungry a lot lately. I'm not entirely sure why, though. I guess I might run to Taco Bell later tonight, depending on the weather and whether or not I feel like spending money on food.
My blog is dwindling down now. Let's also hope, in addition to watching lectures, that I'm able to write and slightly more substantial blog tomorrow. Perhaps I'll tackle a philosophical question or something. Or cheat and write a poem. Who knows? I'll just leave tonight and hope tomorrow is a more productive day.
If music be the food of love, play on. If food be the path to a man's heart, cook on.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry. I just haven't been in the blogging mindset this past week or so. I had weekend duty again, which made me a zombie RA, walking through the motions and not really focusing on reality while working. I can't complain with this job (I work in an air conditioned building, food is provided, a nice bed, nobody is shooting me), but it can get boring at time. And then hectic.
It's hard for me to focus on the blog. The "New Post" window has been open for several hours now. I'm not sure what I want to write about. I bought The Complete Lego Star Wars Saga for the Wii for Victoria, so that she can have something to do until school starts... and I might possibly play it when she moves back here for college (lightsaber sounds effects in the Wiimote!). I also bought Mass Effect 2 on sale from Gamestop (and after a slight mishap, I now have the single-use access code for special features). On a side not, my Xbox 360 is acting up by not detecting my Ethernet cord. I am annoyed by this a tad, but it still works otherwise.
Tomorrow, I hope I am able to watch several Mythology lectures. I need to catch up on my lectures, and since I have nothing planned, that would be an opportune time to do so.
I'm hungry again. I've been hungry a lot lately. I'm not entirely sure why, though. I guess I might run to Taco Bell later tonight, depending on the weather and whether or not I feel like spending money on food.
My blog is dwindling down now. Let's also hope, in addition to watching lectures, that I'm able to write and slightly more substantial blog tomorrow. Perhaps I'll tackle a philosophical question or something. Or cheat and write a poem. Who knows? I'll just leave tonight and hope tomorrow is a more productive day.
If music be the food of love, play on. If food be the path to a man's heart, cook on.
Until next time,
-Daniel Golden
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Oddities of Space and Time
Dear Blog,
I've lost my dryer sheets. I have no idea where I placed them. I had them for the first three loads of clothes that I am currently drying, but they disappeared before I put in the last load. I have a theory that wormholes and space happen all around me and suck my items to a different dimension. Instead of lost left socks, my dryer sheets vanish. I never lose my keys, but my name tag likes to go on inter-dimensional excursions. I just fear my children might one day be sucked into the rip in space-time that I seem to create. Which provides a nice segway into my next paragraph.
Dear Future Children,
You might be reading this blog after my death, so I'd like to let you know that you are now safe from the tears I create in the fabric of space and time. You might have picked up the genetic trait for space-time manipulation, but don't worry, the things you will lose with be so odd and random that you'll find it amusing. Oh, and on a final thought, obey our robotic/alien/Communist overlords until they force you to watch government mandated television programs; that's the cue to revolt. And if you live in a world populated by zombies, STOP READING THIS BLOG AND SEEK SHELTER. Seriously, what are you thinking? This is no time for blog browsing, the zombie apocalypse is upon you!
/end paragraph
I'm on duty this weekend, once again. I kinda wish I wasn't though. I don't mind weekend duty, but since I am always on duty on Thursday, my duty weekend is 24 hours longer than normal. That's an entire day that I can't leave the building to watch a movie, shop in the mall, or get food from a fast food joint. Alas, I signed my contract and I have to do this. It's worth it, too.
I found a Doctor Who series with Tom Baker on Netflix that I can watch if I get too bored. The Key of Time Series. A interesting idea, plus it supposedly offers a nice insight into Time Lord history and whatnot. Plus, more of K-9! I also want to play some more Xbox 360 games. I need to hurry up and win the lottery so I can buy a nicer HDTV to play games on. Plus, I can hook up my Blu-Ray laptop and watch shows in greater detail.
Not much else to talk about. Nikki gave me Pete the Pike because I am friendly and helpful, and even if I say no, I help out anyway. She came back today and I talked bout every single one of my Xbox 360 games when she knocked on my door. She was oddly patient throughout my rambling. I blame the Coca-Cola I had had ten seconds previous to her arrival.
I think I'll end about now. I'm losing focus and I just want to watch Doctor Who/play on my wonderful new Xbox 360. I still haven't checked to see if the heat is normal. I should do that as soon as I end this blog. If I remember to, that is.
If one has the power to alter time, should one do so?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I've lost my dryer sheets. I have no idea where I placed them. I had them for the first three loads of clothes that I am currently drying, but they disappeared before I put in the last load. I have a theory that wormholes and space happen all around me and suck my items to a different dimension. Instead of lost left socks, my dryer sheets vanish. I never lose my keys, but my name tag likes to go on inter-dimensional excursions. I just fear my children might one day be sucked into the rip in space-time that I seem to create. Which provides a nice segway into my next paragraph.
Dear Future Children,
You might be reading this blog after my death, so I'd like to let you know that you are now safe from the tears I create in the fabric of space and time. You might have picked up the genetic trait for space-time manipulation, but don't worry, the things you will lose with be so odd and random that you'll find it amusing. Oh, and on a final thought, obey our robotic/alien/Communist overlords until they force you to watch government mandated television programs; that's the cue to revolt. And if you live in a world populated by zombies, STOP READING THIS BLOG AND SEEK SHELTER. Seriously, what are you thinking? This is no time for blog browsing, the zombie apocalypse is upon you!
/end paragraph
I'm on duty this weekend, once again. I kinda wish I wasn't though. I don't mind weekend duty, but since I am always on duty on Thursday, my duty weekend is 24 hours longer than normal. That's an entire day that I can't leave the building to watch a movie, shop in the mall, or get food from a fast food joint. Alas, I signed my contract and I have to do this. It's worth it, too.
I found a Doctor Who series with Tom Baker on Netflix that I can watch if I get too bored. The Key of Time Series. A interesting idea, plus it supposedly offers a nice insight into Time Lord history and whatnot. Plus, more of K-9! I also want to play some more Xbox 360 games. I need to hurry up and win the lottery so I can buy a nicer HDTV to play games on. Plus, I can hook up my Blu-Ray laptop and watch shows in greater detail.
Not much else to talk about. Nikki gave me Pete the Pike because I am friendly and helpful, and even if I say no, I help out anyway. She came back today and I talked bout every single one of my Xbox 360 games when she knocked on my door. She was oddly patient throughout my rambling. I blame the Coca-Cola I had had ten seconds previous to her arrival.
I think I'll end about now. I'm losing focus and I just want to watch Doctor Who/play on my wonderful new Xbox 360. I still haven't checked to see if the heat is normal. I should do that as soon as I end this blog. If I remember to, that is.
If one has the power to alter time, should one do so?
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Assassins and Boredom
Dear Blog,
I beat Assassin's Creed II today! Yay! I hope the next game (and conclusion to the trilogy) comes out soon. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood comes out in November, but I'm not all that excited about it. I just want to finish the story and find out what happens to Desmond and friends.
I also can't wait for The Force Unleashed II. It comes out in October, so you can bet what I'll buy for myself on the 21st. It looks quite promising. I had a lot of fun with the original, and the sequel looks to increase in awesomeness. Fallout: New Vegas also comes out in October. A good month for games? Of course! Halo: Reach comes out in September, but I don't know if I want it as soon as it hits shelves or not. I'm sure it'll be awesome, but I have a few other games that I want more (Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2, for instance). And then, sometime next year, comes the game highest on my most wanted list, The Old Republic. I've half tempted to invest in upgrades to my laptop for that game.
I went to a baseball game yesterday with a few of the RAs. Free tickets were nice, and we watched from the grassy area in the back. The games were slow and kinda boring, but the company was awesome. I probably won't go watch another game unless it is with other people. I convinced David to get the iPhone 4, and let other people watch the Star Wars TomTom commercials. We left early because of the impending storm, but it was still lots of fun.
I want new ringtones, but I don't know which ones I want. Something special for Victoria and Mom, something quirky/random/funny for Dad, and maybe one for Linda (but she never calls). And a ringtone for other resident assistants and desk workers would be nice, too. Just to add variety to my technological marvel of a machine.
Nikki handed (tossed/threw) Pete the Pike to (at) me today while I was working the front desk. Pete the Pike is part of the RAs' FISH Philosophy (Be There, Play, Make Their Day and Choose Your Attitude) and is passed to people who have exhibited these qualities in their day-to-day work. She isn't going to be here for our staff meeting, so she gave him to me early and said she'd give me the reason as to how I deserved it via text message to read to the group. I'm trying to remember if I had done anything noteworthy this past week, or if it is simply my time to receive Pete. Now I just have to remember to bring Pete along tomorrow and next week and I'll be good.
I think I want Wii Fit. Or at least a good work-out game for the Xbox 360 (which might involve the soon-to-be-released Kinect device). I need to exercise a little bit, but I want to play a game as I do it. Why? It'd like to have some sort of result clearly shown at the end of a session (Gamerpoints on Xbox Live, avatar items, points to collect for random in-game items, anything other than the simple satisfaction of a job well done). Plus, I know I work really well if there is a reward system in place. "A little exercise equates to some prize" would encourage me more than "a little exercise equates to nothing tangible." It'd be a good way to sell the idea of Kinect to my parents as a Christmas present to me.
I think I will wrap up this blog now. Once I discussed exercising, I knew I had talked too much. Perhaps tomorrow will lead to more exciting topics.
Could you enjoy movies/books/games if you were omnipotent? You're know how it ended, the work involved in making it, and all the right moves without even trying.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I beat Assassin's Creed II today! Yay! I hope the next game (and conclusion to the trilogy) comes out soon. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood comes out in November, but I'm not all that excited about it. I just want to finish the story and find out what happens to Desmond and friends.
I also can't wait for The Force Unleashed II. It comes out in October, so you can bet what I'll buy for myself on the 21st. It looks quite promising. I had a lot of fun with the original, and the sequel looks to increase in awesomeness. Fallout: New Vegas also comes out in October. A good month for games? Of course! Halo: Reach comes out in September, but I don't know if I want it as soon as it hits shelves or not. I'm sure it'll be awesome, but I have a few other games that I want more (Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2, for instance). And then, sometime next year, comes the game highest on my most wanted list, The Old Republic. I've half tempted to invest in upgrades to my laptop for that game.
I went to a baseball game yesterday with a few of the RAs. Free tickets were nice, and we watched from the grassy area in the back. The games were slow and kinda boring, but the company was awesome. I probably won't go watch another game unless it is with other people. I convinced David to get the iPhone 4, and let other people watch the Star Wars TomTom commercials. We left early because of the impending storm, but it was still lots of fun.
I want new ringtones, but I don't know which ones I want. Something special for Victoria and Mom, something quirky/random/funny for Dad, and maybe one for Linda (but she never calls). And a ringtone for other resident assistants and desk workers would be nice, too. Just to add variety to my technological marvel of a machine.
Nikki handed (tossed/threw) Pete the Pike to (at) me today while I was working the front desk. Pete the Pike is part of the RAs' FISH Philosophy (Be There, Play, Make Their Day and Choose Your Attitude) and is passed to people who have exhibited these qualities in their day-to-day work. She isn't going to be here for our staff meeting, so she gave him to me early and said she'd give me the reason as to how I deserved it via text message to read to the group. I'm trying to remember if I had done anything noteworthy this past week, or if it is simply my time to receive Pete. Now I just have to remember to bring Pete along tomorrow and next week and I'll be good.
I think I want Wii Fit. Or at least a good work-out game for the Xbox 360 (which might involve the soon-to-be-released Kinect device). I need to exercise a little bit, but I want to play a game as I do it. Why? It'd like to have some sort of result clearly shown at the end of a session (Gamerpoints on Xbox Live, avatar items, points to collect for random in-game items, anything other than the simple satisfaction of a job well done). Plus, I know I work really well if there is a reward system in place. "A little exercise equates to some prize" would encourage me more than "a little exercise equates to nothing tangible." It'd be a good way to sell the idea of Kinect to my parents as a Christmas present to me.
I think I will wrap up this blog now. Once I discussed exercising, I knew I had talked too much. Perhaps tomorrow will lead to more exciting topics.
Could you enjoy movies/books/games if you were omnipotent? You're know how it ended, the work involved in making it, and all the right moves without even trying.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Sunday, July 11, 2010
When it Rains, Not Only Does it Pour, But Daniel is Nearly Struck by Lightning
Dear Blog,
Here I am, writing late at night again. I've already made four typos in the first sentence, so I know I shouldn't try to write a novella today. Then again, not too much happened, so I think I'm safe.
The 2010 FIFA World Cup Final took place today. Spain beat the Netherlands 1-0 in overtime. A pretty fun game. Nearly 50 people showed up to our program. A huge success! I'm quite glad. And I made really cool fact sheets about Spain. Only a couple of people actually picked them up, but that's okay. I'm proud of my work, nonetheless.
A few hours after the game, an intense storm came through Springfield. Probably the strongest storm I've ever seen here in Missouri. Lightning struck a tree in the parking lot and brought down a huge branch. I went to make sure no one was hurt by the fallen tree and subsequently became incredibly soaked. My shoes are still wet and I plan to wash clothes tomorrow to deal with the constant wardrobe changes I've been forced to make because of the water.
My Xbox 360 is quite awesome. It is incredibly quiet, but I fear that it runs far too hot. I'll check online tomorrow to see if it is supposed to expel so much heat from it's vents. Expulsion of heat is good, but is it bad in my case? Who knows... well, probably the Internet. That is, if the Internet is still around.
I think I shall retire to bed now. I hope tomorrow leads to a short class and lots of gaming time for me. Perhaps I should start watching some Classical Mythology lectures, too?
If I become a successful writer, tell me to write a novel outside of my genre, because by then, I'll need the challenge.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Here I am, writing late at night again. I've already made four typos in the first sentence, so I know I shouldn't try to write a novella today. Then again, not too much happened, so I think I'm safe.
The 2010 FIFA World Cup Final took place today. Spain beat the Netherlands 1-0 in overtime. A pretty fun game. Nearly 50 people showed up to our program. A huge success! I'm quite glad. And I made really cool fact sheets about Spain. Only a couple of people actually picked them up, but that's okay. I'm proud of my work, nonetheless.
A few hours after the game, an intense storm came through Springfield. Probably the strongest storm I've ever seen here in Missouri. Lightning struck a tree in the parking lot and brought down a huge branch. I went to make sure no one was hurt by the fallen tree and subsequently became incredibly soaked. My shoes are still wet and I plan to wash clothes tomorrow to deal with the constant wardrobe changes I've been forced to make because of the water.
My Xbox 360 is quite awesome. It is incredibly quiet, but I fear that it runs far too hot. I'll check online tomorrow to see if it is supposed to expel so much heat from it's vents. Expulsion of heat is good, but is it bad in my case? Who knows... well, probably the Internet. That is, if the Internet is still around.
I think I shall retire to bed now. I hope tomorrow leads to a short class and lots of gaming time for me. Perhaps I should start watching some Classical Mythology lectures, too?
If I become a successful writer, tell me to write a novel outside of my genre, because by then, I'll need the challenge.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Women with Built-In Wi-Fi
Dear Blog,
I finally bought the new Xbox 360 that I've mentioned several times here. It was definitely worth the purchase. Unless I picked up a faulty unit, I don't imagine and console upgrade for quite a while (then again, I have no idea what the game companies have planned for the near future). Over the past couple of days since I picked up the console, I've joked that it is like the perfect women: small and shiny, a large memory capacity, whisper quiet, built-in Wi-Fi, and it beeps when you touch it right. Jokes aside, I am glad I finally have it. I plan to download my games to it, since I now have plenty of space on the built-in 250 GB hard drive.
On Friday, the day I bought the new Xbox 360, I also went home. After the long night I had Thursday night while of duty (loud freshman following a guest who evidently tore her ACL while on the dance floor), I was glad to be home. I was able to do laundry, configure my new Xbox 360 on the HDTV downstairs, and spend time with my sister and parents. I heard all about their trip to Colorado over the Fourth of July (and even watched the DVD of all three skydiving indoors with a wind tunnel). They showed all the pictures Linda has taken and I was glad they enjoyed their trip. I don't feel bad that I wasn't able to go. Nor would I have objected if I had the chance. But alas, I had school/RA duties to tend to. Maybe next time.
On Saturday afternoon, the Summer School RA staff had our "retreat" from about 5pm-Midnight. Nikki cooked a nice Cajun dinner for our Mardi Gras Murder Mystery and we all had a part to play. On Friday, my family helped me pick out a nice outfit for my character, Bourbon DuPre, jazz musician. The scandals and hidden plots were fun to slowly uncover (illegitimate children, secret affairs, money money money) and the fun we had bashing on characters was great. It turned out that David's character was the murderer, which was quite funny. After the mystery dinner, we played Rockband/Guitar Hero/Lips. Or rather, the other party members did (I played drums a couple of times). Nick then brought over Settlers of Catan and I was taught how to play that. Think of a game that combines Monopoly and Risk. It's a lot of fun. I want to play again soon (now that I know the mechanics of the game). After one game, I went back to Kentwood to sleep before my 4am shift at the Kentwood Front Desk (and when I say sleep, I ended up calling Victoria and talking to her for an hour).
Later today, I have a program to attend/conduct for the 2010 World Cup Final. The Spanish vs. the Dutch. I created a fact sheet for Spain while here at the desk. I'm proud of it. It'll end up being printed in black and white, but it still looks nice and semi-professional. I'm glad I've been taught tricks and tips in Microsoft Word over the years. Now I'm able to throw together a fact sheet that conveys pertinent information is a styled fashion without the need of a professional designer.
I finished Torchwood: Children of Earth yesterday, as well. That season of Torchwood was definitely a hard one to watch. Basic plot is that all at once, the children of the world stop and carry the message "We are coming" to the government of the UK. Torchwood is targeted to keep a government action from 1965 secret. Mysterious aliens known as "the Four-Five-Six" arrive and demand 10% of the planet's children for their own twisted means. It's intense. The first season of Torchwood was a tad odd, but this final season was wonderful. I need to find new to fill this emptiness left from lack of Whoniverse material (Whoniverse = shared fictional universe of the shows Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and other sources like books, behind the scenes, radio programs, etc). I could buy the books (because I doubt libraries would have them). And there are a few Doctor Who DVDs from Netflix that I can watch (older series). Maybe I'll move onto something else? Maybe back to Star Trek or Star Wars? Possibly Stargate?
I think I've written enough for today. It doesn't really make up for missing so many days, but it's better than a "Here's a short blog to let you know that I'm alive" blog.
By the way, I'm still alive.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
I finally bought the new Xbox 360 that I've mentioned several times here. It was definitely worth the purchase. Unless I picked up a faulty unit, I don't imagine and console upgrade for quite a while (then again, I have no idea what the game companies have planned for the near future). Over the past couple of days since I picked up the console, I've joked that it is like the perfect women: small and shiny, a large memory capacity, whisper quiet, built-in Wi-Fi, and it beeps when you touch it right. Jokes aside, I am glad I finally have it. I plan to download my games to it, since I now have plenty of space on the built-in 250 GB hard drive.
On Friday, the day I bought the new Xbox 360, I also went home. After the long night I had Thursday night while of duty (loud freshman following a guest who evidently tore her ACL while on the dance floor), I was glad to be home. I was able to do laundry, configure my new Xbox 360 on the HDTV downstairs, and spend time with my sister and parents. I heard all about their trip to Colorado over the Fourth of July (and even watched the DVD of all three skydiving indoors with a wind tunnel). They showed all the pictures Linda has taken and I was glad they enjoyed their trip. I don't feel bad that I wasn't able to go. Nor would I have objected if I had the chance. But alas, I had school/RA duties to tend to. Maybe next time.
On Saturday afternoon, the Summer School RA staff had our "retreat" from about 5pm-Midnight. Nikki cooked a nice Cajun dinner for our Mardi Gras Murder Mystery and we all had a part to play. On Friday, my family helped me pick out a nice outfit for my character, Bourbon DuPre, jazz musician. The scandals and hidden plots were fun to slowly uncover (illegitimate children, secret affairs, money money money) and the fun we had bashing on characters was great. It turned out that David's character was the murderer, which was quite funny. After the mystery dinner, we played Rockband/Guitar Hero/Lips. Or rather, the other party members did (I played drums a couple of times). Nick then brought over Settlers of Catan and I was taught how to play that. Think of a game that combines Monopoly and Risk. It's a lot of fun. I want to play again soon (now that I know the mechanics of the game). After one game, I went back to Kentwood to sleep before my 4am shift at the Kentwood Front Desk (and when I say sleep, I ended up calling Victoria and talking to her for an hour).
Later today, I have a program to attend/conduct for the 2010 World Cup Final. The Spanish vs. the Dutch. I created a fact sheet for Spain while here at the desk. I'm proud of it. It'll end up being printed in black and white, but it still looks nice and semi-professional. I'm glad I've been taught tricks and tips in Microsoft Word over the years. Now I'm able to throw together a fact sheet that conveys pertinent information is a styled fashion without the need of a professional designer.
I finished Torchwood: Children of Earth yesterday, as well. That season of Torchwood was definitely a hard one to watch. Basic plot is that all at once, the children of the world stop and carry the message "We are coming" to the government of the UK. Torchwood is targeted to keep a government action from 1965 secret. Mysterious aliens known as "the Four-Five-Six" arrive and demand 10% of the planet's children for their own twisted means. It's intense. The first season of Torchwood was a tad odd, but this final season was wonderful. I need to find new to fill this emptiness left from lack of Whoniverse material (Whoniverse = shared fictional universe of the shows Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and other sources like books, behind the scenes, radio programs, etc). I could buy the books (because I doubt libraries would have them). And there are a few Doctor Who DVDs from Netflix that I can watch (older series). Maybe I'll move onto something else? Maybe back to Star Trek or Star Wars? Possibly Stargate?
I think I've written enough for today. It doesn't really make up for missing so many days, but it's better than a "Here's a short blog to let you know that I'm alive" blog.
By the way, I'm still alive.
Until next time!
-Daniel Golden
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Good Science Fiction Stops me in my Tracks
Dear Blog,
I'd like to apologize to you, my dear Blog. This has been mainly a journal-like process, and although this isn't a bad thing, I think I need to break from a simple retelling of my day and more toward a tad of creative writing. I will still talk about my day, but I need more points to discuss, be they real or fake. Today I decided to try for a discussion on something other than me. I have no idea how much I will actually write, since I am tired and I'd like to sleep. But you're quite irresistible, my dear Blog. I like this compulsion to write. I hope I am able to focus in the future and actually create some substantial work. I'm planning for the structure of the academic year will yield a more steady output of written words for me to expand on over time. Poems, short stories, anything.
I watched the Season Two Finale of Torchwood on Netflix about an hour ago. I will admit, I teared up. Characters that I've become attached to actually died. You watch a show and the characters always escape death with narrow misses, quick thinking, or deus ex machina. It's rare that someone actually dies. And in this show, Torchwood, they have actually brought people back to life. So it's final. They are dead. Which makes me sad. And being sad makes me a happy, too. The story was good enough to affect me, I have emotion and that reaffirms my humanity, and the entertainment value of the show is increased in my mind.
I'd go on to list the other times the Whoniverse has affected me, but I'm not up to the task tonight. I recommend Doctor Who highly. And Torchwood if you want something a little grittier/adult. And I'm not the only one who likes Doctor Who. It has a huge following in the UK (or so I piece together from Wikipedia).
Blah, I suddenly lost my drive to write any more material tonight. I'm just going to listen to Chameleon Circuit, a band that created a bunch of songs that are about Doctor Who. A vlogger on YouTube, charlieissocoollike, has a couple vlogs dedicated to Doctor Who (and several mentions). He's part of Chameleon Circuit. Here is a link to his song "Exterminate, Regenerate". He's pretty much awesome. Makes me smile a lot. If I were good looking, had a nice video camera, and video editing software, I might want to make a video blog on YouTube, too.
I think I'll fiddle around with blog settings before bed. Maybe change the layout a bit. Or not. It really depends on my patience level and if Victoria tells me to go to bed. Have I mentioned that she's fantastic? She is. I try my hardest for her, but I still feel like I'm quite lame.
If I were to become immortal, I'd hope that I'd never be bored.
Until next time,
Daniel Golden
I'd like to apologize to you, my dear Blog. This has been mainly a journal-like process, and although this isn't a bad thing, I think I need to break from a simple retelling of my day and more toward a tad of creative writing. I will still talk about my day, but I need more points to discuss, be they real or fake. Today I decided to try for a discussion on something other than me. I have no idea how much I will actually write, since I am tired and I'd like to sleep. But you're quite irresistible, my dear Blog. I like this compulsion to write. I hope I am able to focus in the future and actually create some substantial work. I'm planning for the structure of the academic year will yield a more steady output of written words for me to expand on over time. Poems, short stories, anything.
I watched the Season Two Finale of Torchwood on Netflix about an hour ago. I will admit, I teared up. Characters that I've become attached to actually died. You watch a show and the characters always escape death with narrow misses, quick thinking, or deus ex machina. It's rare that someone actually dies. And in this show, Torchwood, they have actually brought people back to life. So it's final. They are dead. Which makes me sad. And being sad makes me a happy, too. The story was good enough to affect me, I have emotion and that reaffirms my humanity, and the entertainment value of the show is increased in my mind.
I'd go on to list the other times the Whoniverse has affected me, but I'm not up to the task tonight. I recommend Doctor Who highly. And Torchwood if you want something a little grittier/adult. And I'm not the only one who likes Doctor Who. It has a huge following in the UK (or so I piece together from Wikipedia).
Blah, I suddenly lost my drive to write any more material tonight. I'm just going to listen to Chameleon Circuit, a band that created a bunch of songs that are about Doctor Who. A vlogger on YouTube, charlieissocoollike, has a couple vlogs dedicated to Doctor Who (and several mentions). He's part of Chameleon Circuit. Here is a link to his song "Exterminate, Regenerate". He's pretty much awesome. Makes me smile a lot. If I were good looking, had a nice video camera, and video editing software, I might want to make a video blog on YouTube, too.
I think I'll fiddle around with blog settings before bed. Maybe change the layout a bit. Or not. It really depends on my patience level and if Victoria tells me to go to bed. Have I mentioned that she's fantastic? She is. I try my hardest for her, but I still feel like I'm quite lame.
If I were to become immortal, I'd hope that I'd never be bored.
Until next time,
Daniel Golden
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